A return to establishment safety in nationwide Norwegian elections today

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In summary, Norway held municipal and county elections today, with the Conservative party experiencing a significant increase in voter support and the Labour party consolidating their position. The Socialist Left and the Party of Progress suffered significant losses, possibly due to associations with the perpetrator of the 2011 terrorist attacks. In the small village of Balsfjord, Labour made a historic victory with the oldest person on record, 98-year-old Helge, and the youngest person ever elected in Norway, 17-year-old Madelen, both being elected to the municipal council. Congratulations to both of them.
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Norway held nationwide municipal and county elections today.
The outer "fringe" parties, the government coalition party Socialist Left and the "bad boy" nationalist/libertarian Party of Progress were the big losers, with about a third of their voter bloc abandoning them this time.

The great winner was the Conservatives, with a near 50% increase in their voter support (to nationwide 28%), while the Labour Party consolidated their position with a couple of percentage points.

While our dreadful tragedy on 22/7 has clearly underlined Norwegians' commitment to the tried&true alternatives of Labour vs. Conservatives, the rather modest increase Labour experienced is somwhat surprising since THEY were the prime focus of hatred for Breivik for his attacks on the government quarter and the massacre of Labour party youths on Utøya.
"Sympathy" voter turnout has been less than many supposed.

On the other hand, the Party of Progress' catastrophic defeat is rather more understandable by emotional "guilt-by-association" issues, since Breivik was a member there in the early 2000's, and that they share much of the skepticicism (but not hatred) of immigration as he had.

The Socialist Left has generally been seen as having wh*red for their participation in responsible government, abandoning many of their ideological issues in order to stay in power. The long time leader of the party, Kristin Halvorsen, has announced her resignation as a result of weariness (in direct contradiction to her statements to the media just a few hours earlier..)
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Helge (98) and Madelen (17), two first-time politicians in Balsfjord!

In the tiny fishing village Balsfjord in Northern Norway, Labour made a historic great victory.

The agile pensioner Helge, who as a 98-year old decided to agree to stand as a listfiller as the last person on the Labour list managed to charm his fellow citizens through active campaigning for his party on stands, house visits etc. to give him enough personal votes to enter the municipal council as a regular representative.
He is the oldest person on record to achieve that nationally.

As a new party colleague, Madelen (17) was also elected, and is thereby the YOUNGEST person ever to be elected in Norway.
Although technically a minor still, she is eligible because she becomes 18 during 2011.

Congratulations to them both!

Related to A return to establishment safety in nationwide Norwegian elections today

1. What is meant by "establishment safety" in Norwegian elections?

"Establishment safety" refers to the stability and continuity of the political establishment in Norway. This includes the dominant political parties and their policies, as well as the overall functioning of the democratic system in the country.

2. How can we ensure a return to establishment safety in Norwegian elections?

One way to ensure establishment safety in Norwegian elections is to strengthen the political institutions and processes that uphold democratic values and principles. This includes promoting transparency, accountability, and fair representation for all citizens.

3. Has there been a recent decline in establishment safety in Norwegian elections?

There have been concerns about a decline in establishment safety in Norwegian elections, particularly due to the rise of populist and anti-establishment movements. However, the country's democratic institutions and strong political culture have helped maintain a level of stability and continuity in the political establishment.

4. How does establishment safety impact the outcome of Norwegian elections?

A strong establishment safety can influence the outcome of elections by providing a stable and predictable political environment for voters. This can lead to a greater sense of trust in the political system and the decisions made by elected officials.

5. Are there any challenges to establishing safety in Norwegian elections?

One challenge to establishing safety in Norwegian elections is the growing polarization and division within the country's political landscape. This can make it difficult for the establishment to maintain a unified front and could potentially lead to a weakening of democratic institutions if not addressed properly.

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