Recent content by zuz

  1. Z

    B Question About Dark Energy

    When there is an explosion, matter flies off in every direction. At first it is static, and then it accelerates, and keeps accelerating, until friction slows it down to a stop. In a vacuum would this matter continue to accelerate indefinitely? And could this be the cause of the continued...
  2. Z

    Does a bug hitting your windshield slow down your truck?

    Does a bug hitting your windshield slow down your truck?
  3. Z

    I Exploring the Impact of Moons on James Webb Telescope at Lagrange Point L2

    No I didn't post my question anywhere else. You guys always have an answer so that's why I came here. Thank you.
  4. Z

    I Exploring the Impact of Moons on James Webb Telescope at Lagrange Point L2

    The James Webb Telescope is in one of Earths Lagrange points, (I believe it's in L2) How does the moons gravity affect this? Do they have to make course corrections?
  5. Z

    Stargazing Has a Deep Field Picture of the Sky Been Captured with a Radio Telescope?

    Thank you. That is just what I was looking for.
  6. Z

    Stargazing Has a Deep Field Picture of the Sky Been Captured with a Radio Telescope?

    Has anyone ever taken a "deep field" picture of the sky, like Hubble, but with a radio telescope?
  7. Z

    If two cloned men had sex with two cloned women, would their children be identical?

    If two cloned men had sex with two cloned women, would their children be identical?
  8. Z

    I An asteroid the size of the Rose Bowl has a slight chance of impacting Earth?

    If I'm wrong, (which I probably am) so be it. It just doesn't make sense to me when we have hundreds of tons of space material falling into our atmosphere every day and it does no harm.
  9. Z

    I An asteroid the size of the Rose Bowl has a slight chance of impacting Earth?

    What I'm saying is if you nuked the thing, it wouldn't break in two. It would explode into many pieces. Some the size of houses, sure, but many more the size of baseballs and small cars.
  10. Z

    I An asteroid the size of the Rose Bowl has a slight chance of impacting Earth?

    Neil Degrasse tyson, and if you haven't heard of Apophis by now, I suggest you read a little more astrophysicist news.
  11. Z

    I An asteroid the size of the Rose Bowl has a slight chance of impacting Earth?

    I have heard that an asteroid the size of the Rose Bowl has a slight chance of impacting Earth. Experts say you should not "blow it up" because then we would have many smaller impactors with random trajectories rather than one big one that we could pinpoint with accuracy. But, Wouldn't many of...
  12. Z

    Does Ceres ever transit Jupiter?

    Does Ceres ever transit Jupiter? And if it does, how large of a telescope would I need to see it?
  13. Z

    Can Conservation of Energy Be Applied to the Expanding Universe?

    Can matter be destroyed?
  14. Z

    News Miranda's Cliffs: Surviving a 12 Mile High Fall

    If you fell off one of Miranda's 12 mile high cliffs. what would happen? Would you die? Assuming you are wearing an adequate spacesuit.
  15. Z

    Life on Earth -- Which appeared first?

    Which appeared first on Earth, animals or plants? Also, which appeared on land first?