Recent content by Zubin

  1. Z

    Science Jokes: A Fun Collection of Geeky Laughs

    The following is a collection of some pretty good and easy to understand science jokes.
  2. Z

    Classroom and online learning preferences

    With a virtual pencil and virtual paper of course :-p For now it seems classroom + some online material is the optimal choice though this may change as online content increases and as communication technologies advance. I'd say it would be at least a decade before pure online courses are even...
  3. Z

    Einstein's Intelligence Quiz ?

    Reminds me of the SHSAT logical reasoning questions:
  4. Z

    Infinite String and Letter Puzzle

    I used basic math for this.
  5. Z

    Courses Elementary physics courses - 95% about knowing formulae? That's actually where I recognized you from. If it wasn't for your physics videos and piano videos I would've guessed you were just the average powerlifter/bodybuilder, etc.
  6. Z

    Testing Can I still get into top colleges with a 1960 SAT score?

    1960 is very low for anyone that wants to get into a STEM career. I suggest reviewing and then retaking the SAT. Are you Hispanic or African American?
  7. Z

    Can You Prove a Negative? Exploring the Debate

    God, in the Judeo-Christian sense, is a concept that generally runs into many logical fallacies.
  8. Z

    How many times in a week do you shower?

    I don't see the big issue with showering daily... If you're efficient you can shower "properly" in just a few minutes. I usually shower in the morning and brush my teeth in the shower while the water washes off all the soap.
  9. Z

    Why is my house falling apart today?

    All these troubles and yet, we are but tiny, self-important creatures on a pale blue dot. A pale blue dot in an ordinary solar system within a vast galaxy that may contain millions or even billions of other solar systems, still, this galaxy is just one of many galaxies in a huge supercluster...
  10. Z

    Can Humans Mentally Handle Immortality?

    If the combination of all the knowledge of several groups of experts in various fields equates to less than one percent of consequential knowledge in the world then I don't think biological immortality will necessarily result in eventual boredom.
  11. Z

    Does Thinking Burn as Many Calories as Physical Activity?

    Not sure but when I began reading again(+school work) more often during my free time I noticed I gained a lot of weight... In high school this wasn't a problem and it was easier to maintain a lower bodyweight.
  12. Z

    News PF's Take on Bilderberg Group: Impact on World Events

    It's sort of why I made this thread. I'm someone who thinks the Bilderberg group isn't even worth giving notice to but I don't actually know much about it so I can't really formulate a legitimate explanation for why I think my friend(the conspiracy theorist) is completely wrong.
  13. Z

    News PF's Take on Bilderberg Group: Impact on World Events

    I did that intentionally to get a response. I told the same thing to my friend(who brought up the discussion in the first place) but he seems to follow all the ridiculous conspiracy theories.
  14. Z

    Which disciplines would you call Hard Sciences vs. Soft Sciences ?

    You're invoking fallacious logic(ad verecundiam) if you're trying to suggest that the video you posted contains useful information. Feynman, much like many other famous physicists, was not an expert in the field(s) he was referring to in that particular video.
  15. Z

    News PF's Take on Bilderberg Group: Impact on World Events

    I personally don't know much about the Bilderberg group or to what extent they affect world events but I'm curious what PF thinks about this group. Here's a link for those unfamiliar with this topic: Does the Bilderberg Group really have...