Recent content by zonk

  1. Z

    Apostle, chapter 14 problems: Vector Calculus

    Homework Statement Problem 1: Two fixed unit vectors A and B make an angle θ with each other, where 0 < θ < π. A particle moves in a space curve in such a way that its position vector r(t) and velocity v(t) are related by the equation v(t) = A x r(t). If r(0) = B, prove that the curve has...
  2. Z

    Soviet or Russian Physics and Math textbooks

    But you said that book is for high-schoolers. Would I be able to tackle problems in Krotov or Irodov after reading them? Is it analytic, not afraid to get into vector calculus and differential equations?
  3. Z

    Soviet or Russian Physics and Math textbooks

    Okay, Fundamentals of Physics is actually by B. N. Ivanov. Looking through the table of contents of, I see everything listed except waves and relativity, though they might be included under mechanics and electromagnetism. I'm ordering it and seeing how it is and let you guys know if...
  4. Z

    Soviet or Russian Physics and Math textbooks

    You can probably order them from India. Try abebooks.
  5. Z

    Soviet or Russian Physics and Math textbooks

    I haven't used Iridov, but I see both problem books available. I am thinking of getting Krotov's book, but I need to compliment it with a theory book. I found out it's actually Fundamentals of Physics by I E Ivanov, but since I see no table of contents, I have emailed them and asked the sellers...
  6. Z

    Soviet or Russian Physics and Math textbooks

    What about Halliday, Resnick, Krane? Some people here say it's better. Fundamentals of Physics vs Physics. I really want a book that will complement Krotov's Aptitude test. I wouldn't mind a book that presumes you understand differential equations.
  7. Z

    Soviet or Russian Physics and Math textbooks

    I see these books by Irodov available very cheaply: Fundamentals of Physics, Fundamental Laws of Mechanics, and Basic Laws of Electromagnetism. I can't find a TOC for fundamentals of physics, but I would like the equivalent of a US sophomore in Physics. Will this cover waves, optics...
  8. Z

    Krotov's Aptitude Test Problems in Physics

    What sort of physics background would you need to benefit from this book? Would a freshman level do?
  9. Z

    Unconventional Mathematical Theorems Beyond Textbooks

    I'm looking for something like a books filled with theorems not typically covered in textbooks. For example Viete's formulas for roots and coefficients of polynomials, which, strangely enough, I find useful. They speed up my computational speed and give interesting relationships between objects...
  10. Z

    Courses Math Prequisites: Landau's Course

    I am about to finish Apostol Volume II, then get down to a real linear algebra and differential equations book. I have a sizable collection of Dover math books I picked up in a campus bookstore that will cover most undergraduate topics in pure math. After this I want to brush up on physics so I...
  11. Z

    Courses Math Prequisites: Landau's Course

    I would like to have a survey book that explains the fundamental principles of physics and their results for the undergraduate. Something similar to Mathematics: Its Content, Methods and Meaning. In that book they sum up most of undergraduate topics in mathematics and they also get technical...
  12. Z

    Courses Math Prequisites: Landau's Course

    I want to get a good survey book on physics and it seems like Landau's Course of Theoretical Physics might fit the bill. I enjoy Russian math books and do not mind the dryness at all. Which fields of mathematics must I master to get through the whole series without problems?
  13. Z

    Recommend me some survey books

    I am looking for some in-depth survey books that are not afraid to get technical. Say, a book like Mathematics: Its Contents, Methods, and Meaning. It goes over most topics covered in undergrad and is not afraid to get technical. I'm looking for survey books of that caliber in Physics and...
  14. Z

    Ratio & Root Tests: Convergence & Divergence

    Never mind the first one. I was reading the wrong answers.
  15. Z

    Ratio & Root Tests: Convergence & Divergence

    Homework Statement Test for convergence and divergence. Homework Equations \sum_{i=1}^{n} \frac{n!}{3^n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} \frac{1}{{(log (n))}^{1/n}} The Attempt at a Solution For the first one I get \frac{(n+1)}{3} After applying the ratios. Taking the limit as n approaches infinity, it is...