Recent content by zardiac

  1. Z

    Feynman diagaram of Kaon decay

    Homework Statement I am asked to draw a feynman diagram of K^- \rightarrow \mu \nu Homework Equations K^- consist of s\bar{u} The Attempt at a Solution I wonder what the direcion of the arrows should be, my guess is something like the attached image. edit: Ah, where the left u shoudl be an...
  2. Z

    Vacuum solution with static, spherical symmetric spacetime

    Homework Statement I am trying to derive the line element for this geometry. But I am not sure how to show that ds can't contain any crossterms of d\theta and d\phi Homework Equations ds must be invariant under reflections \theta \rightarrow \theta'=\pi - \theta and \phi...
  3. Z

    Find Time t_0 for a Beam to Not Catch Up with Earth

    Thanks, I understand it better when I plot and look at the asymptotes*%28sqrt%281%2B%280.2%29%5E2t%5E2%29-1%29%2C+%28t-1%2F0.2%29%7D++from+t%3D0+to+100 I can see why the lines won't cross if t is too large. But even if it is easy to...
  4. Z

    Find Time t_0 for a Beam to Not Catch Up with Earth

    Well it is problem 3.9 in D'inverno Introducing Einsteins relativity. I agree that it seem impossible but the problem statement is that if you get a large enough headstart the light won't catch up.
  5. Z

    Find Time t_0 for a Beam to Not Catch Up with Earth

    Homework Statement You start at t=0 at rest on Earth and accelerate with uniform acceleration a away form earth. Find a point in time t_0 such that when a beam emitted from Earth at t>t_0 won't catch up. Homework Equations x(t)=c^2/a(\sqrt{1+\frac{a^2}{c^2}t^2}-1) The Attempt at a...
  6. Z

    Calculate the elements of the Riemann tensor

    Ah of course, there are some elements that are zero. I don't know why I didn't checked that first. Thanks for quick replies, I think I got it right now :)
  7. Z

    Calculate the elements of the Riemann tensor

    Homework Statement Compute 21 elements of the Riemann curvature tensor in for dimensions. (All other elements should be able to produce through symmetries) Homework Equations R_{abcd}=R_{cdab} R_{abcd}=-R_{abdc} R_{abcd}=-R_{bacd} The Attempt at a Solution I don't see how 21...
  8. Z

    Lie derivative of covariant vector

    Really? I guess I am not used to the einstein notation contention. How can you see what indexes are free and which ones are dummy? I thought since I was to determine L_v(u_a) then a was a free index, and thus if I change in one of the terms I have to change in all of the terms. (Which would not...
  9. Z

    Lie derivative of covariant vector

    Homework Statement Derive L_v(u_a)=v^b \partial_b u_a + u_b \partial_a v^b Homework Equations L_v(w^a)=v^b \partial_b w^a - w^b \partial_b v^a L_v(f)=v^a \partial_a f where f is a scalar. The Attempt at a Solution In the end I get stuck with something like this, L_v(u_a)w^a=v^b...
  10. Z

    Abstract Algebra, order of ab is equal to the order of a times the order of b?

    I am not sure why (ab)^{mn} = 1 is clear. (a)^{n} = 1 and (b)^{m} = 1 but does that say anything about (ab)^{mn} ? Sorry maybe to early in the morning for this, Ill think about what you wrote during the day and see where I get! Thanks for the help
  11. Z

    Abstract Algebra, order of ab is equal to the order of a times the order of b?

    Abstract Algebra, order of ab is equal to the order of a times the order of b?? Hi! I am working on some problems in abstract algebra and I am stuck at the moment. I hope some of you guys could help me out a little. Homework Statement a and b are two elements in a group G. Assume that...
  12. Z

    Show that f is entire when u is harmonic and v=

    Homework Statement Assume that u is harmonic everywhere in R^2, and let v(x,y)=\int_0^y u_x'(x,t)dt - \int_0^x u_y'(s,0)ds show that f=u+iv is entire analytic. Homework Equations Maybe Cauchy Riemann: u_x'=v_y' and u_y'=-v_x' The Attempt at a Solution I have only tried to see...
  13. Z

    F depends only on |z| then f must be constant?

    Thanks a lot! I'll try to solve this now, I'll be back if I get stuck. ;)
  14. Z

    F depends only on |z| then f must be constant?

    Homework Statement Hi! I am stuck on an exercise in the complex analysis course. The problem is: "Show that the only analytic functions f that depends on only |z| must be the constant functions." Homework Equations - The Attempt at a Solution I am not sure if I undertand the...
  15. Z

    How Many Local Maxima Does F(x) = (sin(Nx)^2)/(sin(x)^2) Have?

    The original function has N-1 zeros on the interval (0,pi). The minimal values for the function is 0. And F->N^2 as x->0 and x->pi Wich means, if there are (N-1) zeros then there is (N-1)-1 = N-2 maximum. So I don't have to calculate the derivative. Thanks for the help ^^