Recent content by yoyopizza

  1. Y

    Help with the matrix representation of <-|+|->. Does "+"=|+>?

    Yeah that would have been much more clear. Thanks a ton.
  2. Y

    Help with the matrix representation of <-|+|->. Does "+"=|+>?

    Ahhh, that does help. So to expand on that, ## S_y=\frac{i\hbar}{2}(-|+><-|)+(|-><+|)## i assume. And this would imply that the first negative sign there just means negative ##|+>## Thanks
  3. Y

    Help with the matrix representation of <-|+|->. Does "+"=|+>?

    Trying to use <+|+>=1=<-|-> and <-|+>=0 to prove each iteration of the equation, so I have 6 different versions to prove. But the part I'm currently stuck on is understanding how to simplify any given version. I've written out [S_x,S_y]=S_xS_y\psi-S_yS_x\psi and expanded it in terms of the...
  4. Y

    I Particle calculation during a solar proton event

    Trying to figure out how many particles would bombard an astronaut during a solar proton event. Given that the most possible is around 43,000 particle flux units (pfu) according to NASA. First calculating steradians, assuming a person is 1m^2, 1/(1E9)^2=1E-18. My calculation yields (43000...
  5. Y

    Calculate Air Resistance on Objects Thrown Into Air by Earth Stopping

    I guess I hadn't thought too much on what exactly is the earth. Just thinking about stuff. But I guess I would say that the air is not part of the earth. The Earth would be the ground, like dirt, mud, rocks, etc. But other things like buildings wouldn't be earth. That's an interesting idea, the...
  6. Y

    Calculate Air Resistance on Objects Thrown Into Air by Earth Stopping

    So immediately after being pushed into the ground, there would be giant gusts of wind. Because the air will take longer to adjust to the stationary Earth than a physical object.
  7. Y

    Calculate Air Resistance on Objects Thrown Into Air by Earth Stopping

    So the air resistance wouldn't really factor in, anything on the Earth would just be pushed onto the ground, basically?
  8. Y

    Calculate Air Resistance on Objects Thrown Into Air by Earth Stopping

    So I was just thinking about what would happen if the Earth stopped rotating on it's axis. Everything unattached would be thrown into the air. The questions been bugging me for a while, how would you calculate the air resistance on objects thrown into the air? All I have to go on is that the...
  9. Y

    What happens to EM waves outside the universe?

    I agree, I can normally read books in a day or so, but just getting through one book on relativity took me a month. Have you read "Relativity Demystified"? its a great book if you havn't read it or don;t know much on relativity
  10. Y

    What happens to EM waves outside the universe?

    Its hard to grasp at first, but I think I get it. So there is no outside the universe, it instead might be curved in on itself right? Does gravity cause this?
  11. Y

    What happens to EM waves outside the universe?

    Is there a more in depth and simple explanation? I am very confused
  12. Y

    What happens to EM waves outside the universe?

    But if the universe were finite, wouldn't it then have an edge?
  13. Y

    What happens to EM waves outside the universe?

    If the universe is expanding at less than the speed of light, what happens to EM radiation that is emitted from stars at the edge of the universe?
  14. Y

    How long would it take to get to Alpha Centauri?

    Thanks guys this should be more than enough, when I mentioned 50 years I just meant it had to take less than that. Also, thank you Bandersnatch for the calculators, I plan to use them in the future!
  15. Y

    How long would it take to get to Alpha Centauri?

    When you put (4.37/.9) √(1 - (.9)^2), is that (4.37/.9)* √(1 - (.9)^2), or (4.37/.9)/ √(1 - (.9)^2)