Recent content by yosty222

  1. Y

    B What do these wavenumbers correspond to in Raman spectroscopy?

    To add to what has already been said, an important distinction to make is the x-axis in wavenumbers is typically labeled as Raman Shift. This shift is relative to the Rayleigh scattering line at 0 cm -1 and corresponds to the process by which the scattered light being measured is at the same...
  2. Y

    A Learning DFT: Inhomogeneous Electron Gas (Hohenberg) Question

    I'm reading through Hohenberg's seminal paper titled: "Inhomogeneous Electron Gas" that help lay the foundation for what we know of as Density Functional Theory (DFT) by proving the existence of a universal functional that exactly matches the ground-state energy of a system with a given...