Recent content by yoni3468

  1. Y

    Maximum length of an optical fiber

    Hi all, I have a question regarding a fiber optics based communications system: The light source is a Fabry-Perot LASER, which outputs 5 longitudinal modes. The communication rates are: \Delta\omega=100Grads^{-1}, B=10Gbs^{-1}, and the dispersion coefficient is \beta_{2}=10\frac{ps^{2}}{Km}...
  2. Y

    Lasers - energy per round-trip

    I thought a bit about it, and I have a theory: If the cavity has already reached it's steady state, the energy must remain constant. That means that if I'm looking for the energy increase, it must be equal to the losses. What do you think?
  3. Y

    Lasers - energy per round-trip

    Hi all, I would like to ask a question regarding lasers and resonators: If I have a solid-state laser, and I know the following information: The gain medium diameter, it's length, population difference between the energy levels, gamma-alpha (r-a), broadening, wavelength, spontaneous...
  4. Y

    Gaussian beam passing through a circular aperture

    Hi all, when I have a Gaussian beam passing through a circular aperture: What should be the far field (Fraunhoffer's) distribution? Thanks in advance, Yoni