Recent content by yoda05378

  1. Y

    Linear algebra: determinants (proof)

    nevermind. i figured out where i went wrong (i treated the matrices as if they were scalar, stupid me). thanks for all the help :sarcasm:
  2. Y

    How Can I Correctly Sort and Output Arrays from a Single File in C++?

    when you assign values into variables, it should read: negative[spotneg] = numbers[index]; not the other way around (you aren't putting values from negative[] into numbers[], you want to sort the negative ones from numbers[] into negative[]
  3. Y

    Linear algebra: determinants (proof)

    hi, i seem to have some trouble proving: Suppose M = [A B:O C], where A is a kxk matrix, C is a pxp matrix, and O is a zero matrix. Show that det(M) = det(A)det(C). my attempt at a proof: det(M) = det(A)det(C) det[A B:O C] = det(A)det(C) AC - OB = det(A)det(C) AC =...
  4. Y

    Will I Use Differential Equations in My Computer Science Career?

    i think he meant 21-122 course. cronxeh, think before you type.
  5. Y

    Solving a 13-Card Hand Probability w/ No Pairs

    awesome! thanks OlderDan! :smile: :biggrin:
  6. Y

    Solving a 13-Card Hand Probability w/ No Pairs

    4 things of 1st kind combined with 4 things of a 2nd kind combined with...4 things of a 13th kind = 4^13? so [4^13 / C(52, 13)] is the probability?
  7. Y

    Solving a 13-Card Hand Probability w/ No Pairs

    umm...13 cards in one hand, so i choose 13 out of the 13 available cards from a suit? i'm just trying to make some sense out of the examples from my book... I'm so confused :(
  8. Y

    Solving a 13-Card Hand Probability w/ No Pairs

    oops, i meant: [C(13,13) / C(52, 13)]
  9. Y

    Solving a 13-Card Hand Probability w/ No Pairs

    that's 13 different cards and i choose 7 of them: C(13,7)? so [C(13,7) / C(52, 7)] is the probability?
  10. Y

    Solving a 13-Card Hand Probability w/ No Pairs

    hi! i have a homework problem here that I'm stuck on: What is the probability that a hand of 13 cards contain no pairs? i know a 13-card hand is C(52, 13) but i have no idea how to represent the probability of that 13-card hand containing no pairs. can anyone give me a hint?