Recent content by ylping

  1. Y

    Wheeler-Dewitt equation and canonical quantum gravity

    In the canonical quantum gravity, Hamiltonian equal zero, why? Since the split is space, the time is a constant? or the space-time is Ricci-flat? In other words, if the space-time is Ricci-flat whether time supersurface, Hamiltonian equal zero?
  2. Y

    What resources are available for studying higher dimensional quantum cosmology?

    I study in graduate school. My major is higher dimension cosmology. I want to study the quantum cosmology with extra dimension. So I should know what had been done in standard model.
  3. Y

    What resources are available for studying higher dimensional quantum cosmology?

    I going to to study the quantum cosmology. who can give me some advice and supply some papers and books? Thanks.
  4. Y

    Please give me some advise about DEC (dominant energy conditions)

    DEC is related to superluminal acoustic modes. I can not understand. Help me. Thanks.