Recent content by xxxyzzz

  1. xxxyzzz

    Engineering Drawing FBD: Cable Passes Over a Smooth Peg

    I was editing my post since I was unsure about my diagram, which was probably why the link was broken (might have accidentally deleted it). I believe I forgot some basic concepts from Statics since it has been a while, so I am having trouble understanding what forces I am missing. I do not mean...
  2. xxxyzzz

    Engineering Drawing FBD: Cable Passes Over a Smooth Peg these all the forces? I did not think that C had any reaction forces because it is smooth.
  3. xxxyzzz

    Engineering Drawing FBD: Cable Passes Over a Smooth Peg

    My apologies, I screenshotted the problem from the textbook where w=3 kN/m, while my homework problem had w=4 kN/m. It should be 9 kN in my FBD. Ve is meant to be the internal shear force at E.
  4. xxxyzzz

    Engineering Drawing FBD: Cable Passes Over a Smooth Peg

    Hello, thank you for the welcome and responses. I am unsure if the notifications will be received if I do not click on the reply button, but I drew my idea of the FBD below and what I think all the forces are. I did not think that the cable is only pulling. Is this a correct assumption of the...
  5. xxxyzzz

    Engineering Drawing FBD: Cable Passes Over a Smooth Peg

    Attempting to draw the FBD for this problem but was wondering what to do about the cable, especially when I determine the internal loadings at E. At C, do I only draw one force arrow (CB), or draw both on the left and right side?