Recent content by Xemnas92

  1. Xemnas92

    Grand Canonical Ensemble: N operator problem

    Thank you all for the answers! Yeah, probably this was the answer I was looking for. Hence (please, correct me, if my reasoning is wrong) the fluctuation of N comes from the fact that the chemical potential is fixed (not N). And the state of the whole system cannot be considered just an...
  2. Xemnas92

    Grand Canonical Ensemble: N operator problem

    Yes, but if the operator number of particles is not a constant of motion, the operator e^{(\mu N-H)\beta} cannot be built. I know that from a macroscopic point of view the number of particles is not fixed, but I do not know how to interpret the fact that the operator N commutes with the...
  3. Xemnas92

    Why is force invariant in Newtonian mechanics?

    Well, my answer will be probably trivial...but if the car follows a horizontal trajectory (respect to the ground system), there is no way to eliminate (or modify) the gravitational force (that is orthogonal) in the moving frame. Hence gravity must be present in both the reference frames...
  4. Xemnas92

    Grand Canonical Ensemble: N operator problem

    Thanks for the answer! Sorry, my mistake... Yeah, ok...but my doubt was another (probably, much more phylosophical than pragmatic): on a single subspace with fixed N, the ensemble is canonical (e^{\mu N} is a constant). But N is even a constant of motion, so the evolution of a "microstate" in...
  5. Xemnas92

    Grand Canonical Ensemble: N operator problem

    I have a problem in understanding the quantum operators in grand canonical ensemble. The grand partition function is the trace of the operator: e^{\beta(\mu N-H)} (N is the operator Number of particle) and the trace is taken on the extended phase space: \Gamma_{es}= \Gamma_1 \times \Gamma_2...
  6. Xemnas92

    What is Theoretical Physics and How Does it Relate to the Leaning Tower of Pisa?

    Hi everybody! I'm Italian and I'm studying at University of Pisa (yeah, exactly where there is the leaning tower lol). I'm a student of the first year of Theorethical Physics (in Italy it's called Laurea Magistrale, I do not know the english/american equivalent...probably Master degree...) and...