Recent content by Wmdajt

  1. Wmdajt

    E&M: Gauss' Law Surface Charge Density

    Sorry, I wrote that in a bit of a hurry! I'll clarify. The charge on the inner surface of the shell is the same as the opposite charge of the rod because the flux inside of a conductor must be zero. qi = -q, Where qi is the charge of the inner shell surface and q is the charge of the rod...
  2. Wmdajt

    E&M: Gauss' Law Surface Charge Density

    I just figured it out! I understand why a spherical Gaussian surface isn't appropriate, the way I drew my diagram was confusing me. I should've used a cylindrical surface. Negative charge is attracted to the inner wall of the shell equal to the amount of charge on the rod. From there I found the...
  3. Wmdajt

    E&M: Gauss' Law Surface Charge Density

    In this question I need to find the inner and outer charge density of the shell I did part A just fine, I used the formula for an electric field due to a line charge, but parts B and C is what's really confusing me. I'm not really sure how to go about it, I placed a spherical gaussian surface...