Recent content by WineRedPsy

  1. WineRedPsy

    High school years are the best years of your life

    I hope it's not true.
  2. WineRedPsy

    A philosophy friendly discipline?

    I'm sure there's all kinds of stuff if one can identify and advertise the skills they've learnt. (As opposed to the knowledge)
  3. WineRedPsy

    Mathematical Physics vs Applied Mathematics?

    (Sorry if these are the wrong forums) All right, so, I know the difference between pure and applied mathematics as well as mathematical vs theoretical physics. But, I don't quite get the difference between mathematical physics and applied mathematics. Aren't they both working on mathematical...
  4. WineRedPsy

    A Book that Clearly Explains Special Relativity w / Tensors?

    I'm not sure if it's in-depth enough or even translated to english, but I'm reading and enjoying Rumtid by Sören Holst a bit. I hope you'll get an answer by someone who's got a clue though (unlike me). Edit: Here's a couple previous threads though, maybe they've got any...
  5. WineRedPsy

    Maths/philosophy question - equation for 'tomorrow never comes'

    @Namkceis Hah, I like that. If you want to do it correctly you'd need a LOT of data (all causally connected data?), as well as very precise (exact?) physical models. Question is if it'd at that point give us a probability or exact binary answer? Also, would simulating that even be theoretically...
  6. WineRedPsy

    Getting 'em while they're young, or how do I inspire a kid?

    So, I've got three sisters, and one of them's just starting preschool/six-years-school. She seems to be a rather quick learner (and bright, if that's something you can be at five, six), and when she's paying attention to something the younger one (who's quite creative) usually follows. So...
  7. WineRedPsy

    Places a complete newbie can learn coding?

    If it helps, I've been checking out for mark-up stuff and javascript in a web-context. should probably have good resources both for general CS and programming, too! Edit: too for a quickie
  8. WineRedPsy

    A philosophy friendly discipline?

    But maybe it can be a good transitional thing to study along with some mathematics? (and "Philosophy of mathematics"? I know that "Physics and philosophy" or "Mathematics and philosophy" aren't uncommon undergrad things here in EU) Most likely not true :/
  9. WineRedPsy

    Our Mathematical Universe: My Quest for the Ultimate Nature?

    Is Our Mathematical Universe by Max Tegmark any good, as a work of popsci? Apparantly it's related to some TOE thing Tegmark's got, is that one actually something legitimate? (Edit: Sorry if this isn't appropriate for this forum!)
  10. WineRedPsy

    Cosmology or Theoretical Physics?

    I keep seeing a lot about people going from physics to finance. Is it just because the mathematical modelling is similar and it's a stable job or is there something else to it? Would someone with a interest in physics and mathematics be stimulated by finance?
  11. WineRedPsy

    Workplace Bullying: Prevalence and Impact in STEM Fields

    It's just an example, and it's a lot more subtle than "Nah yuh cawn't hang wif usss!". It's these minor continued suppresion techniques and subtler forms of emotional abuse. It's not really something you notice unless you're thinking about it and/or is pretty removed from the context. Even if...
  12. WineRedPsy

    Workplace Bullying: Prevalence and Impact in STEM Fields

    Apparantly the semantics are a bit messed up, in swedish we use the word Mobbing to mean both bullying and "Group-bullying" and emotional harrassment. As for "Avoiding them and hanging out with other people" it's usually a lot more complicated. I know it mostly in the context of school classes...
  13. WineRedPsy

    Workplace Bullying: Prevalence and Impact in STEM Fields

    Since when's the option between "Calm conversation" and physical assault? Confront the person, tell them they're acting horribly and everyone dislikes them for it. If workplace policy isn't horrible as in zoobyshoe's case going to higher-ups is a thing, too. Attacking them isn't going to teach...
  14. WineRedPsy

    Workplace Bullying: Prevalence and Impact in STEM Fields

    How about "Not harassing people" or "Not having a 1700s attitude" or "Abstaining from superficial judgement" or, simply , "Being decent human beings"? Now, why don't you explain the significance or relevance of the applicants' genders?
  15. WineRedPsy

    Workplace Bullying: Prevalence and Impact in STEM Fields

    Elaborating on my previous post, this thread should probably in itself indicate that STEM-fields are just as lacking in tolerance and progressiveness as anywhere else. If not worse in some aspects. I see a lot of articles about sexual harassment... :c