Recent content by WhiteWolf98

  1. WhiteWolf98

    [Structural Dynamics] How to model a 3D wing as a 2D Wind Tunnel Model

    Ah, my apologies, I must not have worded it clear enough. I'll try again. So I'm not making an actual model, it's purely theoretical. I've considered a wing from an aircraft, and I want to express it in the form shown in the picture above. My only unknown is the spring constants, which I'm...
  2. WhiteWolf98

    [Structural Dynamics] How to model a 3D wing as a 2D Wind Tunnel Model

    Greetings Good People, As the title suggests, I'm having some trouble getting to a 2D model. The process is to select an aircraft (or wing model), and model it as a 2D, 2DOF wing-tunnel model. The aircraft I selected was a Cessna 172. This had a tapered wing, which after some calculations and...
  3. WhiteWolf98

    Using Euler's Formula to write a fraction in another form

    Okay, I think I was able to do it. For the sake of completion, I'll put the rest of my solution here. I realize the substitution probably wasn't necessary, but I found it easier to do thinking about it that way. Thank you very much everyone for all your help :)
  4. WhiteWolf98

    Using Euler's Formula to write a fraction in another form

    Ohh, I see it, I see it. What a silly mistake, I can't just add them. Alright, I'll give it another go. Thank you
  5. WhiteWolf98

    Using Euler's Formula to write a fraction in another form

    This is just not making any sense, sorry. I'll put all the steps I've done below. I feel like I'm just going in circles. And then for: Depending on which way I do it, I get different answers... which is weird! I don't get it. Yeah, I don't know anymore, nothing is working
  6. WhiteWolf98

    Using Euler's Formula to write a fraction in another form

    I'll try write out how I got it as soon as I can. For now, when multiplying that out, I get ##e^{i\theta}-e^{-i\theta}## Ah, that is a mistake on my part. Though I don't suppose ##e^{i\theta-i\alpha}## would make it correct
  7. WhiteWolf98

    Using Euler's Formula to write a fraction in another form

    Hello. Thanks for your replies, much appreciated. I tried again following your advice, and I couldn't eliminate ##2θ##. This is what I ended up with: $$=U_{\infty}\frac{e^{i\theta+i\alpha}-e^{i\alpha-i\theta}+2\sin(\alpha)i}{e^{2i\theta}}$$ Well actually, this was one way of writing it. The...
  8. WhiteWolf98

    Using Euler's Formula to write a fraction in another form

    Greetings. I'm having a bit of difficulty with getting from the first to the second equation. I know some basic identities, but it all just feels like a mess. My approach was just going to be to write whatever I could, but some of the terms are confusing me...
  9. WhiteWolf98

    Using Complex Conjugates to Decompose a Fraction

    My apologies, maybe I should have actually listened and shared the rest of the solution. I sort of get what you're doing there, and recognise two formulas from the z-transform table. This is the rest of the solution: Could it possibly be that the statement, 'Noting that the poles in the...
  10. WhiteWolf98

    Using Complex Conjugates to Decompose a Fraction

    That's the solution as I saw it; everything after is using the inverse z-transform. And I agree, I still have absolutely no clue what complex conjugates have to do with this
  11. WhiteWolf98

    Using Complex Conjugates to Decompose a Fraction

    Wow, uh. Right you are, my apologies. That's quite embarrassing lol THAT is what I meant to say! Seems I've got it all muddled up. Thanks a lot Mark, that's made it quite clear how that fraction is split.
  12. WhiteWolf98

    Using Complex Conjugates to Decompose a Fraction

    Okay... that makes sense. But then the next part: How can you just split a fraction like that? For example: $$\frac{x+y}{z}=\frac{x}{z}+\frac{y}{z}$$ You can do that. But what you can't do is: $$\frac{x+y}{w+z}=\frac{x}{w+z}+\frac{y}{w+z}$$ So how come it's being done there? Is there something...
  13. WhiteWolf98

    Using Complex Conjugates to Decompose a Fraction

    So the original question is from Control Theory, and the topic is the inverse z-transform. This is a part from the solution I just can't understand. The reason it has to be in this form (##z^{-1}##) is because that's the form used in the z-transform table. The question essentially is, how do you...
  14. WhiteWolf98

    MATLAB How to make a while loop stop when reaching a certain value

    Never mind, I apologise, while (lower_lim < Q && Q > upper_lim). One of the signs needed to be flipped. Thanks a lot for your help, Wrichik
  15. WhiteWolf98

    MATLAB How to make a while loop stop when reaching a certain value

    I'm unfamiliar with &&, so I searched it up quickly. Since lower_lim < Q is not true, won't that stop the code there? I don't get any output anymore