Recent content by whartung

  1. whartung

    I Solving simultaneous vector equations

    I'm using this for "cinematic" purposes, for a game. I want my spaceship to fly across the system and arrive at the planet. I want to know how long it will take, I want to know the path that it takes. I'm simplifying it to ignore gravity because if I can't get it to work without gravity, what...
  2. whartung

    I Solving simultaneous vector equations

    It certainly "works" in 1 dimension. You're suggesting that since the target bearing will always be changing, this is not the appropriate technique to solve this problem? In the 1 dimension version, I get a single acceleration, and a single time, that act as a constants until the follower...
  3. whartung

    I Solving simultaneous vector equations

    I've looked at PN a little bit, and it certainly seems popular in this space of problem (though I don't know about the rendezvous issue yet), but I'm still very interested on how to solve this specific problem, just to give me another glimpse of the toolkit of solving equations like this.
  4. whartung

    I Solving simultaneous vector equations

    No, I have not, thank you. I'll look at it, but this is a rendezvous problem (actual matching of vectors) not simply an intercept problem, so I don't know if its applicable or can be extended to this use case.
  5. whartung

    I Solving simultaneous vector equations

    I'm sorry, this touches so many areas, I just didn't know which pigeon hole to put it in, so I dropped it here in General. Simple summary. I have two physics equations. The problem I'm trying to solve is a follower is chasing a target that is moving at a fixed velocity. The follower is going...
  6. whartung

    Call program written in language B from program written in language A

    But this should be kept in the context that a LOT of code on the IBM was written in assembly. BAL was quite commonplace back in the day, so it was a more natural mechanic of extension. It was also done for specific use case (nominally for performance). Today, the world is quite different...
  7. whartung

    Speeding Up SQL Query: Grouping & Joining

    We need to see the SQL. You don't say how large the rows are, but, frankly, 10^7 rows on modern hardware is typically no big deal. You also don't say how large the other tables are. 10^7, 100 byte rows is 1G. Modern drives are pushing 100's of MB per second. Doesn't take that long to scan that...
  8. whartung

    Call program written in language B from program written in language A

    Calling foreign code can be a broad subject. Typically, when folks talk about calling foreign code it's almost always from the X Langauge to the C language, as C is the ubiquitous systems programming language across most platforms. So, a big draw for X->C is to call system runtimes, such as...
  9. whartung

    MHB What is the difference between activity and event in "simulation"?

    An activity, for lack of a better word, takes time. Getting the burger from the counter is an event, but eating it is an activity. Ordering is an activity. Talking with the wait staff, "you want fries with that", etc. Once you've finished Ordering, an Order is Placed. That's an event. The order...
  10. whartung

    MHB Lucene Indexing: Clearing Confusion

    Are you talking about the first 3 steps? The "build index" step and "IndexWriter object" step? The top diagram is simply a architecture diagram, not a flow diagram. It's show the role in the search/index process that Lucene fills. The 3 steps at the top, with the IndexWriter, represent the...
  11. whartung

    B Applying the distance formula d= v*t + 1/2a*t^2

    Yea, I mean, I consider it an "acceleration" vector, which it isn't, but that's how I have it in my Pooh brain. I'm simply displaying the parameters to the function, and the two different d calculations to compare with the run results. Thanks again for the insight.
  12. whartung

    B Applying the distance formula d= v*t + 1/2a*t^2

    Well it seems it's been working all along, it was a matter of the values I was working with. package pkg; public class Accel { public static void main(String[] args) { accel(1000, -10, 50, 5); accel(10000, -10, 1000, 100); } public static void accel(double vi...
  13. whartung

    B Applying the distance formula d= v*t + 1/2a*t^2

    On this page: They have this for the distance traveled with acceleration formula: d= v*t + 1/2a*t^2 Now, I'm quite familiar with 1/2at^2 part, it's the v*t part that's troubling me. If I have something going 1000m/s...
  14. whartung

    Need help with space simulations? Join the discussion here!

    I was looking at a post of mine on Stack Overflow, and realized that it was 11 years old. 11 years old, something I was interested in, and am still interested in, but something I don't have a solution for. I've been spending the past month, off and on, on what I would have thought wasn't an...