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  1. V

    Which Will Cool Longer: Wiping vs Not Wiping Condensation

    @Stonebride so wat u mean to say is condensation warms the bottle faster rite??so the bottle where condensation is not allowed to happen(ie the condensed water being wiped) would stay cooler for longer time period huh?pls help out..
  2. V

    Which Will Cool Longer: Wiping vs Not Wiping Condensation

    "Again, heat transfer is not less for the dry bottle. In general, adding *anything* into a heat transfer path will decrease the heat transfer rate, even if the heat transfer coefficient of that "anything" is better than the other parts of the path." if wat u said is correct then there should be...
  3. V

    Which Will Cool Longer: Wiping vs Not Wiping Condensation

    Yes...then heat transfer between air-bottle is less than bottle-condensed water combo which means air-bottle combo ie case where condensed water is removed will stay cool longer aint it so?
  4. V

    Which Will Cool Longer: Wiping vs Not Wiping Condensation

    and also, heat transfer coefficient of water is more than that of air which means heat transfer is more with condensed water than wit air,though the temp difference is greater for bottle-air combination than that of bottle-water combination...isnt so?
  5. V

    Which Will Cool Longer: Wiping vs Not Wiping Condensation

    but condensation is more when the surroundin atmosphere is humid...n that's y a cold bottle remains cool for longer time in air conditioned room and hence condensation is less which means if we are able to prevent condensation,then the bottle might remain cool for longer time aint it so?
  6. V

    Which Will Cool Longer: Wiping vs Not Wiping Condensation

    Which will warm first? Consider a cold cool drink bottle taken from freezer and exposed to everyone knows, water would form on the bottle due to condensation of atm. i want the cool drink to be colder for longer time,for that should the condensed water on bottle...
  7. V

    Doubt: Is 3 Stroke Engine Possible?

    still...cant there be any combination of stroke that could make a 3 stroke engine possible?
  8. V

    Doubt: Is 3 Stroke Engine Possible?

    y is that so?y can't there be an cyle where 1st stroke intake 2nd stroke compression and ignition(as in diesel) and 3rd stroke with (expansion and exhaust)?
  9. V

    Doubt: Is 3 Stroke Engine Possible?

    no change in the cycles...want all the cycles in 3 that possible??
  10. V

    Doubt: Is 3 Stroke Engine Possible?

    Is 3 stroke engine possible??if not why?