Recent content by Vivan Vatsa

  1. Vivan Vatsa

    Are memes a blessing or a curse?

    I m sorry’s just my intention to offend someone...sorry for that type of phonetic language too...
  2. Vivan Vatsa

    Are memes a blessing or a curse?

    << Mentor Note -- Text speak fixed in this post >> well I am very enthusiastic science student. I get good grades in school. I am about to enter college this June...but one thing that stays forever in today’s generation...are the lust for social networking & the unconditional love for MEMES. No...
  3. Vivan Vatsa

    Why is F=ma? (Physics homework)

    Listen saifTaher , A force is a push or pull upon an object resulting from the object's interaction with another object. Whenever there is an interactionbetween two objects, there is a force upon each of the objects. When the interaction ceases, the two objects no longer experience the force...
  4. Vivan Vatsa

    How do you memorize efficiently?

    My visual understanding is far more better than anyone in this world. I make a visual map in my mind( as I have ADHD). so it works..really!
  5. Vivan Vatsa

    I want to Fetch Ideas for my School Project

    i think of doing something on mechanical properties of solids...u some thing on stress, strain...etc... what do u say ??
  6. Vivan Vatsa

    I want to Fetch Ideas for my School Project

    Hello Forumers, Its been very long time since I haven't not been on PF. Today that streak ends! I want ideas for my physics school project. please give me some great ideas & where to find it! please keep the following in mind while giving ideas:- 1. I am 12th Grade student 2. I want a...
  7. Vivan Vatsa

    Having difficulty in understanding vertical circular motion?

    I am basically having trouble in understanding most of the conceptual questions.!
  8. Vivan Vatsa

    Having difficulty in understanding vertical circular motion?

    I am having trouble understanding the concepts of vertical circular motion , though I solve all the numericals , but I think I am lacking the basic concepts of VCM. Explain how I can master this topic?
  9. Vivan Vatsa

    Difference between many chemically related terms?

    In chemistry, chemical bonding is a very important topic. What I can't really understand is the interrelation of different theories which explains the same kind of thing, like for structure of any compound there are theories like Valence bond theory or VSEPR or molecular orbital theory. I am...
  10. Vivan Vatsa

    Photoelectric Effect: Threshold Frequency Explained

    I have studied photoelectric effect. I have many doubts regarding that, so firstly, I cannot understand when, THRESHOLD FREQUENCY arises. " Threshold frequency is the frequency at which the electron gets ejected from the electrode & runs toward the other negatively charged electrode " , so my...
  11. Vivan Vatsa

    Does LISP Still Exist? AI, 5th & 7th Gen Computers

    we are moving towards the 7th generation computer, but the 5th generation still exist in some part of the world. So talking about AI( artificial intelligence) does the programming language still exist, does LISP still exist or it is gone off the market? Please help on this because I am learning...
  12. Vivan Vatsa

    Is Juno the Key to The Mysteries of Jupiter?

    another million congrats to Nasa for craving down history. Juno is really an appropriate device which tells that yes we can do it. An excellent symbol of excellence. Very much inspired by it. Loving Juno, Are you?
  13. Vivan Vatsa

    Difficulty in understanding graphs in kinematics

    I am having a great difficulty in plotting, understanding & visualising the graphs, which is important aspect in physics. So I want some help from everyone to please show me, how to understand a given graph better & juice out everything which it wants. I want to make my fundamental strong by...
  14. Vivan Vatsa

    Realizing Dreams: Understanding Our Existence

    we have our personal opinion on our needs. Some want gadgets, some wants clothes, some want people in their life & some want peaceful life. But what was the need of making people realize their dreams. Why we need to know our existence??
  15. Vivan Vatsa

    What Does It Mean to Be Truly Great?

    Well searching for many days, I can't understand that what really people think of being great. Does it means that you are the conqueror of the world or you are the happiest man on earth. So what is your opinion on being great??