Recent content by Vishak95

  1. V

    MHB Combining Stoke's Theorem and the Divergence Theorem?

    Ohh okay, thank you. Just to get my fundamentals correct, would be I be correct in saying this? \int \int \boldsymbol{F}\cdot \boldsymbol{n}dS = \int \int \int div(\boldsymbol{F})dV = \int \int (curl\boldsymbol{F})\cdot \boldsymbol{n }dA = \oint \boldsymbol{F}\cdot dr
  2. V

    MHB Combining Stoke's Theorem and the Divergence Theorem?

    Thanks for the response. That clears most of my doubts up. Just a further query though, the form of Stokes' Theorem in my textbook looks like this: \int \int (CurlF)\cdot n dA = \oint F \cdot dr Could you please explain why the n is not needed in dealing with this problem :P
  3. V

    MHB Combining Stoke's Theorem and the Divergence Theorem?

    Hi, Could someone please guide me with this question? I'm unsure as to what the curl has to do with finding flux.. PS. This isn't actually assessed work, it's from a past question paper that I am using to revise. Thanks heaps!
  4. V

    Refrigeration - Work required to run heat pump

    This question has got me quite confused, some guidance would be really appreciated. A room is to be kept at 23C using a heat pump from ambient. Heat gain to the room is 1.5kW per degree Celsius difference between the atmosphere and the room. 1) If the outside temperature is 32C, what is the...
  5. V

    MHB Second order inhomogeneous differential equation

    Hi MHB. I'm having yet another doubt regarding differential equations. Can someone please help me out? Thanks. Consider the following differential equation: {y}''+{y}'= x^{2} I have found the homogeneous solution to be: y_{H}=c_{1} + c_{2}e^{-x} But when finding the particular solution...
  6. V

    MHB Find the global extrema of this function over the given region

    Re: Find the global maxima of this function Awesome! Thank you Mark :D
  7. V

    MHB Find the global extrema of this function over the given region

    Re: Find the global maxima of this function The limit appears to be going to \infty . So then I guess that there is no global maximum either?
  8. V

    MHB Find the global extrema of this function over the given region

    Re: Find the global maxima of this function Great :D I think the only real boundaries would be x = 0 , and y = 1
  9. V

    MHB Find the global extrema of this function over the given region

    Re: Find the global maxima of this function The critical points both appear to be saddle points (the derivative D = -1 for both)
  10. V

    MHB Differential equation for draining a pool

    Thank you so much for that explanation! I understand it now :)
  11. V

    MHB Find the global extrema of this function over the given region

    Hi MHB. Can someone help me with this one please? I've worked out that the critical points are (0,0) and (2,1). But looking at the boundary x = 0, there seems to be no limit to the minimum value. Also, on the boundary y = 1, the value of f(x,1) = -1. So, would I be correct in saying that the...
  12. V

    MHB Differential equation for draining a pool

    I'm guessing that for k > 2, it will overflow and for 0 <or= k < 2 it will empty?
  13. V

    MHB Differential equation for draining a pool

    Ok, thanks. The thing that's still tripping me up is this part: D_{0} \in (0,4) And the fact that right now D0 isn't in the equation...
  14. V

    MHB Differential equation for draining a pool

    Okay, thanks :) So now for part (b) I've got the only equilibrium solution: D = k^{2} Which is stable. But I'm completely lost looking at part (c) :(
  15. V

    MHB Differential equation for draining a pool

    Ok, now I've got this: \frac{dV}{dD}= 100 \frac{dV}{dt} = \frac{dV}{dD}\cdot \frac{dD}{dt} Leading to: \frac{dD}{dt}= \frac{k-\sqrt{D}}{100}