Recent content by Villhelm

  1. V

    Schools Engineering graduate school after physics undergraduate degree

    Thanks for the responses, I've decided against switching subject areas as I've found the glut of documentation seems very OTT, for example, 73 pages of documentation for what was little more than a riveted aluminium plate box that ejects a parachute held back by a spring ... The better part...
  2. V

    Schools Engineering graduate school after physics undergraduate degree

    Hi, are there any pitfalls of switching subject area like this? I'm doing as much as I can to interact with engineers at the moment (such as student projects within the engineering dept. and generally trying to focus my physics towards what I understand to be engineering related as opposed to...
  3. V

    Studying What do you do when instructors inflict horrible books on you?

    I tend to check out as many related books from the library as I can. I don't usually read them all in-depth, but a skim/light read over as many sources as possible seems to smooth out any rough patches in the set text(s) you may have to principally work from. It's extra work, but you...
  4. V

    What was the principal nuclear reaction of Fermi's nuclear pile

    I've known about the basic story of the first nuclear pile since before I can remember, but never found information on what the associated nuclear reaction actually was and was wondering if anyone here knew or could point me in the right direction.
  5. V

    Pure math also used in physics

    "What math should I study which would at least help me later on in physics?" I'm not sure there's any math that wouldn't help you, depending on what you want to specialise in (by the sounds of it, theoretical / computational physics). Set theory and other discrete math has been part of my...
  6. V

    Lithium-Polymer battery fire safety precautions

    Thanks for the links pantaz, I'll probably contact some folk over there and see what they say about it.
  7. V

    Lithium-Polymer battery fire safety precautions

    Juval, you may want to learn about the subject yourself before you misread a post and lecture someone on neophytic errors they thought they'd made clear they were never going to make. LiPo packs exist, not least within the consumer electronics market, and it is clearly possible for their use to...
  8. V

    Lithium-Polymer battery fire safety precautions

    Hello, I'm trying to learn about LiPo battery pack safety and was wondering if anyone could head me in the direction of some good sources of information. In particular I'm trying to learn enough to safely re-build and extend a laptop's 6-cell (3S2P) pack, but hopefully to extend it to a...
  9. V

    Finite quantum well, factor of 2*pi seems necessary but why?

    I've been using the value \hbar = 6.58 * 10-16 eV.s Also, for m I was using 9.11 * 10-31kg I did wonder if maybe I'd messed up with \hbar vs h, but with the 2π inside the square root rather than outside along with \hbar or h made me question that. I'll use the constant values you've cited...
  10. V

    Stationary States: Definition & Free Particle Incident

    I'm not that clued up on this myself, but stationary states appear to be similar to solving for standing waves on a string. The assumption is made that the wavefunction y(x,t) = Bsin(kx +/- wt) (B arbitrary, k the wave number, w the angular frequency, x position and t time) and the wave is...
  11. V

    Finite quantum well, factor of 2*pi seems necessary but why?

    Homework Statement Solve for the allowed energy values E of a finite square quantum well of depth U0 = 25eV, width a = 0.5nm that contains an electron of mass m (I'm presuming that m = 9.11*10^-31kg, the question doesn't indicate a specific value to use). I'm defining the interior potential to...
  12. V

    Physics: Instrumentation development - understanding what's involved

    It was brought to my attention that career-wise I might find 'instrumentation development' a particularly good choice given my interests. Unfortunately, there wasn't a lot of time to go into what this entailed at the time and I was wondering what it involves from the point of view of physics...
  13. V

    Nuclear fusion and the end of energy problems claim

    "Snag with fission plants is that a lot of the decommissioned material will stay 'hot' for geological times." But what are the real-term health impacts of spent nuclear fuel with / without reprocessing as opposed to current non-nuclear power generation waste?
  14. V

    Nuclear fusion and the end of energy problems claim

    Nuclear fusion and the "end of energy problems" claim Hi, Is it me, or does the following claim seem naive? "If we can achieve fusion here on earth, then the world's energy problem will be solved." As I understand it, our energy problems are more to do with greed and waste than...
  15. V

    Deriving equation for ideal fluid flow problem (~bernoulli equation)

    Could anyone offer some feedback? I'm reasonably sure I got the gist of it, but I'm not sure how neat a solution it is (i.e. nothing relevant missing, or irrelevancies included). It's a past paper question so I haven't tried to tidy it up. Homework Statement Homework Equations...