Recent content by vijay123

  1. V

    Misapplication of Bernouilli's principle

    but i thought that the two points of air particles moving up and down a plane wing meet at the same point is an idealisation. this doesn't happen most of the time due to things like air resistance and so on, but if one has to caculate the upward force in the plane's wing, it becomes too tedious...
  2. V

    Answer: E = mv2: Understanding Anti Newton's Equation

    excellent parlyne...good proof
  3. V

    Difficulties understanding some basic concepts of thermodynamics

    i thought that a process is reversible if the process could be brought back to the original entropy is 0. russ is correct. theoretically, with a perfect insulator, it is true that adiabatic processes are reversible all the time. but in the practical sense, no one has got a perfect...
  4. V

    Drawing a free body diagram on the mass

    i did not calculate but it is just like this, Tsin(theta)=mv^2/r, then find r
  5. V

    Calculating Center of Mass for a Group on a Boat

    is it like this? in an isolated system, momentum is conserved. so, m1v1=m2v2, were m1 is the mass of boat, v1 is it's velocity, m2 is the mass of all the people, v2 is the velocity of them, v2=(m1v1)/m2 d2/t=m1/m2 x d1/t d2=m1/m2 x d1 since every1 covers d1, assume that the center of mass is...
  6. V

    Centripetal vs Radial: Explaining Difference to Understand

    hi everybody, when dealing with rotational motion problems, i tend to think that the centripetal force acts in the outward direction. this idea seems to work in all of my problems but i know that my idea is wrong. can anyone explain the dynamics of this imaginery force?
  7. V

    Why Speed Limit for Vehicle Skidding Independent of Mass

    andrew...if you have studied rotational motion and the parallel axis theorem then here is how it goes...snece the vehicle is rolling...the total kinectic energy possesed by it is .5mv^2+.5Iw^2...were i is the rotational inertia and w is rotational spped...since the i for wheels is .25mr^2..think...
  8. V

    Why does a spinning object change direction before stopping?

    omg...this is nth to do with asymmtry...i think u must draw a free body diagram...then list down the forces...assume that the prof gave a force at the top of a cylnder for example...the cynlinder woud start to slide...u know that kinectic friction acts at the bottom of the ball...opposite in...
  9. V

    How to visualize entropy in thermodynamics

    entropy is the measure of disorder...but i just cannot visualize it in a practical standpoint...i mean...the disorder taking place with soo many particles when heated and yet all i know is that s=q/t...can anyone explain this concept better to me? one more does one prove using...
  10. V

    How does Gravity travel the speed of light

    arildno...u got a masters in fluid mechanics...omg...can i ask u a question...does bournoullli's equation apply in real life? it an approximation of any kind?
  11. V

    How does Gravity travel the speed of light

    sorry...i am onli 14 years old and i dun speak english as my first language...sorry for any inconveinece
  12. V

    How does Gravity travel the speed of light

    now suppose...for some reason...the sun was taken out of ur solar would only get deflect away from the former sun 8mins(approx.) since it takes 8mins for the INFLUENCE OF GRAVITY between the earth- sun system to dispappear...this influence of gravity...i think...which is the...
  13. V

    How does Gravity travel the speed of light

  14. V

    How does Gravity travel the speed of light

    ok guys...lets make it clear...raza...i thing u must go and study the chapter onn gravitation...if u did then here how it goes...u stand on the earth...gravitation force...which is defined as (Gm1m2)/r^2 = mg..were m1 is mass of you and m2 is the mass of earth...r is radius of earth..ok?...if u...