Recent content by Victoria Petrov

  1. V

    B IB Extended Essay in Astrophysics

    THATS AMAZING TYSM! The diploma highly recommends doing research papers where in the end you help the society, so considering trying to find water in an atmosphere through photometry and radial velocity of a transiting planet would be a great topic. If I can combine this with what phinds said I...
  2. V

    B IB Extended Essay in Astrophysics

    That's a great idea! Although my diploma does not recommend data analysis papers, perhaps I could use the data from one of NASA's transit discoveries and simulate that. Thank you so much for your help :)
  3. V

    B IB Extended Essay in Astrophysics

    Hi everyone! I am currently in desperate need of help in choosing an appropriate topic for an extended essay in HL physics. (If you didn't know, an extended essay is a 4000 research paper where you analyze data, do experiments etc... for a particular topic of your choice) I am really interested...