Recent content by Vanadium 50

  1. Vanadium 50

    I Standing light waves if the one-way speed of light were not constant?

    Are you really arguing that the speed of light in Cleveland is different than the speed of light in Houston?
  2. Vanadium 50

    Academic Ghost Writers

    Presumably you are reading physics journals. Published articles should give you a good idea of what they are looking for.
  3. Vanadium 50

    I Questions about Black Holes, Hawking Radiation, and Dark Matter

    One could even make the case the energy is negative, as the BHs absorb more than they emit. But in any event the OP's theory is off by so many orders of magnitude it doesn't really matter. 30? 90? Does it really matter?
  4. Vanadium 50

    I Distribution of satellite clusters around seed cluster in ATLAS

    I assume this is entirely your own plot from released data, and that's why you use non-standard terms like "hearmap" and "satellite". It might be physics, as @mfb said. Or it might be some artifact of noise, or geometry or both. Without knowing a lot more about what went into this plot, it is...
  5. Vanadium 50

    I Standing light waves if the one-way speed of light were not constant?

    Apart from the fact that it is a personal theory and therefore off-limits on PF? Or that the one-way speed of light is not a defined quantity but depends on your measuring convention - as has been said over and over again on PF including this very thread? Or something else.
  6. Vanadium 50

    I Questions about Black Holes, Hawking Radiation, and Dark Matter

    ...sounds a lot like a personal theory. These are not allowed at PF. It is true by definition. If it were non-thermal, it would be something else.
  7. Vanadium 50

    I Questions about Black Holes, Hawking Radiation, and Dark Matter

    As a famous man once said "It depends on what your definition of 'is' is." As far as the first part, not only is hawking radiation negligible, but its also ordinary thermal radiation - not anything dark.
  8. Vanadium 50

    Most dangerous chemicals?

    My medical care team gets all of its drugs from the cartels. Cheaper and less paperwork.
  9. Vanadium 50

    Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapses after Ship Strike

    I'm talking more about ships logs and not radio logs. The big advantage of a ship's log being electronic is that you can automatically keep copies at multiple sites - especially not on the ship. If you lose the ship, you keep the log. OK, maybe its stale by an hour or a day, but you still have it.
  10. Vanadium 50

    Gravity Based Electricity Generator

    People post their own thoughts here? The fiends!
  11. Vanadium 50

    Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapses after Ship Strike

    True. But do they still use pen and ink in this day and age?
  12. Vanadium 50

    I Unruh Radiation and Black Holes

    I suspect this will go in circles until people lose interest or it is closed. Consider only EM for the moment. What is radiation and what is near filed is dependent on the observer. I am 99% sure this cannot be uniquely defined at a single point - so you need two observers, and the pairs will...
  13. Vanadium 50

    I Global properties of the universe

    First, those are words. The truth is in the math. Second, those are your words. We need to flesh out what you need. Finally, you can complain that you didn't get a nice sound bite for an answer. But knowledge is not just a collection of sound bites.
  14. Vanadium 50

    Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapses after Ship Strike

    Do they still use that? I haven't seen a real logbook in the sciences in decades. This also may not solve the problem. At Lab A, the culture is to "writ down everything, and annotate after the fact if necessary". At Lab B, it's "don't write down problems until you have a solution" - e.g...