Recent content by tylerfarzam

  1. T

    Other Math-Intensive Careers to Make $300K-$500K

    Ml engineers DNA make this much. Lawyers can. Small business owners can. Doctors can many other professions can too so deont act like this is insane I was asking if any of the many professions that offer this salary are math intensive, not wether they exist. If you can tell me which of the...
  2. T

    Other Math-Intensive Careers to Make $300K-$500K

    I am not sure what I want to pursue as a career but I love math and I want to make a lot of money. I was wondering if there are any careers that are very math intensive from which I could make around 300-500k. Does anyone know of any jobs that mostly consist of doing advanced or at least...
  3. T

    B Algebraic Topology in the tv show The Big Bang Theory

    Okay thank you. That is all I was asking.
  4. T

    B Algebraic Topology in the tv show The Big Bang Theory

    I can see where your coming from but the question is not wether he was right or not, but if that is just a collection of words meant to sound "smart" or not. So I was asking if that collection of words make sense and if there is even such a thing as "self- contradictory abelian groups in...
  5. T

    B Algebraic Topology in the tv show The Big Bang Theory

    in the tv show "The Big Bang Theory", Sheldon wrote a book called "A proof the algebraic topology can never have a non self-contradictory set of abelian groups". Is this just a random set of words that is meant to sound smart but in reality means nothing or is it accurate? If it is, what does it...
  6. T

    Courses Math as a substitute for theoretical physics

    So let me give you a hypothetical situation. Say I major in math with a minor in CS, then I get a degree in pure mathematics, while “taking a few physics classes for fun.” Will that have been enough for a position like the one you just talked about or do you think an undergrad degree in physics...
  7. T

    Courses Math as a substitute for theoretical physics

    I have been thinking about your replies to this thread recently and I had one more question, an answer for which I could not find online. If (hypothetically) I earned a higher level degree in math, and I specified my degree in the right parts of math, would I be able to get a job as a part of a...
  8. T

    Courses Math as a substitute for theoretical physics

    Okay. So if I am pursuing physics as an interest and not as a career, would it be best to study applied math in my undergrad then be educating myself in physics through books and videos? In that situation would I be able to understand such theoretical, math intensive, concepts like general...
  9. T

    Courses Math as a substitute for theoretical physics

    First of all, excuse me if I sound insane but I am just in high school so I do not fully understand how these programs work. Second of all, I was thinking I could Study math and take a few courses on general relativity and I would be able to understand it because I know the math behind it (...
  10. T

    Courses Math as a substitute for theoretical physics

    I was watching a video about physics that said people who want to study theoretical physics but do not want to study things like electromagnetism, thermodynamics, experimental physics, etc, should study math, then take some classes in theoretical physics. This way, you could study your favorite...
  11. T

    Are there job opportunities in general relativity for theoretical researchers?

    Well I get that but the only way I would even go into physics is if I would be able to get a job in something particle physics or relativity related, so wether jobs are common in these fields are not is the determining factor between majoring in computer science and majoring in physics.
  12. T

    Are there job opportunities in general relativity for theoretical researchers?

    Are there a lot of theoretical research jobs in general relativity or would that be too hard to find?
  13. T

    B Time as a Dimension: Exploring Questions

    Is time its own dimension or is it a constant that remains through all dimensions? Also, are there multiple dimensions of time, and how do we know the answers to these questions?
  14. T

    B Does Energy Have Mass and Other Beginner Physics Questions?

    Thankyou. But when I look him up I find a lot of different sites. Can you please give me a link to the one you are referring to.