Recent content by Tronx

  1. T

    Resistance of a half ring of a given resistivity

    Ha,ha.. the typo in the integrand is mine, not from Serway. And of course, the resistors are in serial (not in parallel). That's what I said... Instead of this, if we try to do the integration considering parallel strips from face A to face B, it is not possible to do the integration because...
  2. T

    Resistance of a half ring of a given resistivity

    I think when the current is not constant over a differential resistor it is not possible to apply that R = ρ L/S for each resistor. I mean, when we consider the half ring is made like an ensemble of parallel strips of length πr then the current into one strip is constant (although different to...
  3. T

    Resistance of a half ring of a given resistivity

    Hello Dave: These are the links in PF related with this problem: In none...
  4. T

    Resistance of a half ring of a given resistivity

    Thank you for your response. I don't know if it is reasonable or not, but I'm sure that the result to this problem is : R = ρπ/[t·ln(b/a)] And the result obtained considering one ensemble of parallel resistors MUST BE the same when considering one ensemble of serial resistors. That's the question.
  5. T

    Resistance of a half ring of a given resistivity

    Lets suppose a half ring whit internal radius a and external radius b and height t. We can calculate the resistance of the half ring considering that it is made of a number of parallel resistors each one with resistance given by: R = ρ L/S where L = π·r and S = t·dr. The resistance of each...