Recent content by Tiran

  1. T

    I Any direct evidence of gravitational mass increase?

    Is this a claim that has anything to do with relativistic speeds, or are you just pointing out how vectors work?
  2. T

    I Any direct evidence of gravitational mass increase?

    What do you mean it doesn't apply? How could a force applied to a fast moving object not effect the vector of that object?
  3. T

    Buoyancy, incompressibility and G forces

    You are correct, and the pressure difference that the lungs are designed to work with is 14.7psi, so if you want to support the front of the chest with a pressurized volume of air that is the equivalent of a 2300 foot water column or 67 G, you'll need a starting pressure of around 1000 psi and...
  4. T

    I Any direct evidence of gravitational mass increase?

    If you have accelerated to 99% of C from your initial velocity, what sort breakdown would you see in your velocity reference frame from F=ma in terms of engine output vs acceleration?
  5. T

    Buoyancy, incompressibility and G forces

    You said that 67 G was specifically too much. Were did you get that limit from? I don't follow. A person can definitely have 1000 psi in their lungs, but only if the surrounding water pressure is also 1000 psi OR there are no air pockets in the vessel for the water to displace into. At that...
  6. T

    Buoyancy, incompressibility and G forces

    Not really, since the lungs being supported internally by 1000 psi of air. But that pressure is going to mean the lungs have up to an additional .6 lbs of air, changing the density of the person by less than a half percent. But since we are talking about a controlled environment, the density of...
  7. T

    Buoyancy, incompressibility and G forces

    The point of increased pressure is to internally support the lungs and other air pockets in the body from being crushed. I realize that pressure and acceleration are different things, but if you follow why G forces damage flesh you would understand why I'm connecting the two. When you say we...
  8. T

    I Any direct evidence of gravitational mass increase?

    Just that if something is inconsistent, it isn't the math that is wrong but the way we are looking at the problem. Possibly forgetting a factor, etc. If the dilation thing doesn't net a real world result but the equations show it should, maybe we are leaving some factors out of applying those...
  9. T

    I Any direct evidence of gravitational mass increase?

    I see what you're saying, but is there any circumstance when a fast moving object behaves like mass has changed? If not, that seems like a math application issue.
  10. T

    I Any direct evidence of gravitational mass increase?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I always understood that the "increased mass" thing is just another way of observing that forces like gravitational attraction or acceleration are rates, and rates require a measure of time that is constant - while time has changed at relativistic speeds, changing...
  11. T

    Buoyancy, incompressibility and G forces

    Based on the Comex Hydra 10 tests, a diver breathing the correct mix can withstand a depth of 2300 ft, or the pressure of a column of water 2300 feet tall - nearly 1000 psi. Since the diver is buoyant (being the same average density as the water), they are essentially weightless. Not in...
  12. T

    Airplane Landing Questions -- How can the pilot see the ground?

    Just to be clear (though it is in the article), no one lands without seeing the runway. Pilots approach and need to be able to see something as they hit whatever minimum approach altitude - the lowest being 100 feet for the best approach systems. If they can't make out the runway environment...
  13. T

    Writing: Input Wanted Lunar Orbital Rings: Calculating Height and Rotation for Earth-like Gravity

    If you had moved your head out of plane with the floor drop ride you would have noticed a very disorienting feeling. Overhead loops are uncomfortable because apparent gravity keeps shifting. But if your rotation speed is variable and actual gravity is lower than 1G, you can bias the angular...
  14. T

    Writing: Input Wanted Lunar Orbital Rings: Calculating Height and Rotation for Earth-like Gravity

    I didn't say it isn't an orbital ring. As for your suggestion, have you ever been in a centrifuge where you have both angular momentum and gravity? It is not pleasant.In 1/6 gravity you could set up a vertical system that spins around an off center point closer to the bottom. You could...
  15. T

    Electrical Way to generate energy in a closed system?

    That is a closed system materials wise, but runs on outside solar energy.