Recent content by Thor Shen

  1. Thor Shen

    How to get the lowest order ChPT amplitudes?

    the operator with hat likes the number operator as $$\hat{\pi}^+=\pi^{\dagger+}\pi^+$$ ,as well as $$\hat{\pi}^-=\pi^{\dagger -}\pi^-$$. And the operators without hat are satisfied with the boson commutation relation?
  2. Thor Shen

    How to get the lowest order ChPT amplitudes?

    Well,thank you for your apply, but I still have some confusions. For example,the operator π+and π- act on the state |π+π->. π+π-|π+π->=|π+π->? (1) π+π-|0 0>=|π+π->? (2) <π+π-|π+π-=<π+π-|? (3) <0 0|π+π-=<π-π+|? (4) if we consider the crossing symmetry, we...
  3. Thor Shen

    How to get the lowest order ChPT amplitudes?

    Note from mfb: I fixed the LaTeX formulas I met some trouble by using latex on this version, so I try to add the image from the pdf, the Latex code is as follow if any help. The lowest order lagrangian for ChPT is...
  4. Thor Shen

    Decomposed Isospin: Proj. Operator Tech. to Obtain Eq.(1)

    Thanks again firstly. In general, \delta^{ac}\delta^{bd}-\delta^{ab}\delta^{cd}=\varepsilon_{dae}\varepsilon_{bce}\neq 0, and a,b,c,d,e=1,2,3. Only when a=d or c=b are above deltas equal to 0.
  5. Thor Shen

    Decomposed Isospin: Proj. Operator Tech. to Obtain Eq.(1)

    Thank you for your recommendation. By the way , T^{I=2}(s,t)=<I=2,I_3=0|T^{abcd}|I=2,I_3=0> ? I and I3 are isospin and component of isospin for initial final state,respectively
  6. Thor Shen

    Decomposed Isospin: Proj. Operator Tech. to Obtain Eq.(1)

    Thank you for your reply. The traceless and symmetric for the tensor like the Young using in meson decomposed into octet and decuplet, right? Well, why the procedure that symmetrizing amplitude with subtracting its trace can stand for T2(s,t), <I=0,I3=0|Tabcd|I=0,I3=0>?(of course, I can get the...
  7. Thor Shen

    Decomposed Isospin: Proj. Operator Tech. to Obtain Eq.(1)

    Thank you so much! I am a newcomer in this field, so there are many definitions and notions I cannot catch up. Firstly I still cannot understand how to get the tensor 3\pi^a\pi^b-\vec{\pi}^2\delta^{ab} and find the way that symmetric amplitude subtracts its trace? Second problem is the...
  8. Thor Shen

    Decomposed Isospin: Proj. Operator Tech. to Obtain Eq.(1)

    How to use the standard techniques of projection operators to obtain the equation (1) by the first formula? Thanks
  9. Thor Shen

    About two integrals in QCD textbook by muta

    Actually, when I try to simplify the eq.2.3.153 for obtain the bracket in eq.2.3.154, I find we must use the two delta functions in eq.2.3.154, but I wonder whether we can use δ(1/4(q'+k')^2-m^2)=δ(k'^2+s-4m^2)δ(k'*q) directly, and the δ(k*q) is equivalent the δ(k'*q) because of the k' is...
  10. Thor Shen

    About two integrals in QCD textbook by muta 1.How to deal with the delta functions in eq.2.3.153 to obtain the eq.2.3.154 by integrating over q'? 2.How to caculate the integral from eq.2.3.154 to eq.2.3.156, especially the theta function?
  11. Thor Shen

    QCD Feynman Diagrams: Understanding Particle Interactions

    The diagram is from the proton-antiproton annihilation into two mesons.
  12. Thor Shen

    QCD Feynman Diagrams: Understanding Particle Interactions

    Yes. Firstly, I write the same index for omitting the delta functions. But the two pairs will mislead using Einstein's reduction rule, the latter one should be \nu. Of course, the complete form should be written by Hepth.
  13. Thor Shen

    QCD Feynman Diagrams: Understanding Particle Interactions

    Yes, the gauge bosons were gluons. I will take care next time,thanks!
  14. Thor Shen

    QCD Feynman Diagrams: Understanding Particle Interactions

    the number stand for the index of particles (quarks and gluons) M=\bar{v}(p_2) ig_sT_{12}\gamma^\mu(12)u(p_1)\frac{-i}{p_7^2}\bar{u}(p_5) ig_sT_{56}\gamma_\mu(56)\bar{v}(p_6)\frac{-i}{m-\gamma^\mu p_{9\mu}}\bar{v}(p_3)...
  15. Thor Shen

    From Feynman diagrams to potential

    if we define the \vec{p}'_1-\vec{p}_1=\vec{p}and \vec{r}_1-\vec{r}_2=\vec{r} then \int^{\infty}_{-\infty}d^3p\frac{1}{\vec{p}^2+\mu^2}e^{-i\vec{p}\cdot\vec{r}} =\int^{2\pi}_{0}d\phi\int^{1}_{-1}dcos\theta\int^{\infty}_{0}dp\frac{p^2}{p^2+\mu^2}e^{-ipcos\vartheta r} =4\pi^2\frac{e^{-\mu r}}{r}...