Recent content by Thomas_W

  1. T

    Coupled Nonlinear Differential Equations

    Δt is not zero. so I is just a gaussian distribution around Δt
  2. T

    Coupled Nonlinear Differential Equations

    Thanks for your fast response. Yeah I know, but what I solved was dn(t)/dt=I^5(t)+I(t)*n(t) with a time dependent I(t). n depends on z only due to the fact that I is depending on z, there is no direct dependence. dI(t,z)/dt I only can give for the case I(t,0).. so I just adapt these coupled...
  3. T

    Coupled Nonlinear Differential Equations

    Hey, I need your help to solve the following set of coupled differential equations numerically. dn(t,z)/dt=I^5(t,z)+I(t,z)*n(t,z) dI(t,z)/dz=I^5(t,z)-α(n(t,z))*I(t,z) where I(t,0)=I0*exp(-4ln2(t/Δt)^2) and n(t,0)=0 and n(-certrain time,z)=0. Some constant parameters I did not show...