Recent content by thomas_shvekher

  1. thomas_shvekher

    Newton's First Law to explain Washing Machine Spin Cycle

    ...The water would still fly off 😂. Thanks!
  2. thomas_shvekher

    Newton's First Law to explain Washing Machine Spin Cycle

    It looks like the water "flies" off in a straight line
  3. thomas_shvekher

    Newton's First Law to explain Washing Machine Spin Cycle

    So the idea behind the question is that Newton's First Law states that the wet clothing will try to move in a straight line, and the holes on the drum will allow the water to espace, but not the clothes?
  4. thomas_shvekher

    Newton's First Law to explain Washing Machine Spin Cycle

    Could this mean that water is not acted upon by an external force, meaning it travels our of the clothing in a straight line (into the holes of the washer), while the clothing ocntinues to spin aound as an external force acts upon them?
  5. thomas_shvekher

    Newton's First Law to explain Washing Machine Spin Cycle

    I truly am not sure. I assume it is that because everything has inertia, an a tendency to remain in a constant state of motion, when the clothes are quickly spun around they cannot remain in a constant state of motion (of either rest or constant velocity), but the water is "pushed"/spun out of...