Recent content by tholepin

  1. tholepin

    Lapsed sci-fi fan, looking for recommendations to get back into it

    " and reflection of the human character." Perhaps the genre 'space opera' is what you're after. Becky Chambers' book, Long Voyage to an Angry Planet exemplifies the type of story you highlight. In any event, there are lots of new authors writing in this field.
  2. tholepin

    I'm attempting to train a quantum dog (Rusty), suggestions?

    Dear Vanadium 50, Tongue in cheek as your answer seems to be, according to unperturbed Hamiltonian (0) and normalized Eigenfunction (0), the probability is that Rusty remains in his bed throughout the whole dingbat story. At least 50% of the time ...?
  3. tholepin

    I'm attempting to train a quantum dog (Rusty), suggestions?

    I'm attempting to train and interact with a quantum dog named Rusty. Any and all suggestions are or aren't appreciated.
  4. tholepin

    GEB: Exploring Douglas R. Hofstadter's Strange Loops

    GED is a vast and glorious pun. I read a review in Scientific American and bought it - still re-read it.
  5. tholepin

    What are your musical preferences?

    The category "Listen to" should be included IMHO. Only my wife, cat and grandchildren and myself "listen to" my music. I take guitar lessons from a jazz/rock-n-roller although my brain is now mozzarella. Every musician I meet has the mantra "It's all good." So be it.
  6. tholepin

    Exploring the Spectrum of Sci-fi: Firm, Chewy, and Hard

    I'm interested in Firm or Chewy - as opposed to Hard Sci-fi as an imagineer illustrator and writer. This is quite the event horizon; glad to be here.
  7. tholepin

    What are some of your favorite science-fiction novels?

    My favorite novel is "A Canticle for Leibowitz," written by Walter M. Miller, Jr. Isaac Edward Leibowitz was a scientist who managed to survive the Flame Deluge that destroyed civilization. He dedicated his life to the recovery and preservation of pre-deluge knowledge - until his martyrdom by...