Recent content by Theraven1982

  1. T

    Minimizing error function -> sloving linear system of equations

    I was afraid of that ;). I'll find my linear algebra book ;). Is there anyone who has experience in solving these equations in Matlab? There are probably functions for this purpose ; again, any kick in the right direction is welcome ;)
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    Minimizing error function -> sloving linear system of equations

    Homework Statement I want to find certain coefficients \alpha_{uv} by minimizing a error function. In the end, I want to make a function of this, so iteration is not a problem. I want to estimate these coefficients to find the best estimate for f(x,y). Homework Equations The error...
  3. T

    Chance of 2 overlapping matrices

    [SOLVED] chance of 2 overlapping matrices I have a simple problem, but I'm not sure if my answer is correct :P. I have a matrix, like this: 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 i.e. an axb matrix, with c 'ones'. If I now take another matrix, with the same size, what's...
  4. T

    How Do You Calculate the Number of Photons Per Pixel in a CCD?

    A fresh question. I want to find the number of photons falling on a pixel in a CCD. A very simple model: * bigger source area gives larger response (A_s ) * when object farther away, smaller response: \frac{1}{R^2} * bigger detector area gives larger response (A_d ) * size of the lens is...
  5. T

    What is the purpose of an inversion layer in a MOS device?

    I'm sorry for the (very) late reply, but thanks a lot! I now fully understand. Sometimes I need to ripen new information ;). Thanks again all!
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    What is the purpose of an inversion layer in a MOS device?

    Thanks. But why is this conducting channel needed? This inversion layer is above the depletion region which fills up with charge; when the device is clocked (for measuring how much charge is in the well), the charges move from well to well. I don't see the need for this conducting channel.
  7. T

    What is the purpose of an inversion layer in a MOS device?

    Thanks a lot for your answer. It is not necessary that I know exactly how it is derived, but just wanted to know where it came from. I've seen the name 'Fowler-Nordheim' before in a paper, and now I at least understand where it comes from. Any takers for the other questions? ;)
  8. T

    What is the purpose of an inversion layer in a MOS device?

    [SOLVED] inversion layer in a MOS Hello, I have some questions about MOS devices, and CCD In a MOS or MIS after applying a voltage on the metal, the valenceband and the conduction band bend downwards (in the usual band diagram) when a positive voltage is applied. (p-type semiconductor)...
  9. T

    EPR paradox philoshophy is confusing me

    The philoshophy is confusing me. If i understand correctly, it comes down to the following: when a pion decays (which decays to an electron and positron), we can make a measurement of the spin of both resulting particles. If I measure the spin in the z-direction of the electron, I instantly...
  10. T

    Background radiation and photons

    I finally found the right solution (well, my teacher did.. when I got to the Riemann zeta function, I always thought: This can't be correct... but it was). But it appears the above mentioned answer was correct as well; or at least it gets very close to the result my teacher gave me. Maybe the...
  11. T

    Background radiation and photons

    Hmm ... that's the same answer I get now... I don't know why the book says 5x10^5 photons per litre :\. I tried everything; maybe I should go with this answer instead. Thanks for all the help! Much appreciated! (You all do a great job, helping untangle the web of science ;) )
  12. T

    Background radiation and photons

    You're a lot closer than me; the answer should be 5*10^5 photons per litre ... I'll look again at your calculation, maybe I can find the reason why there's a difference. But a big thanks! edit: energy density is (according to my book): pi^2 *k^2*T^4/15c^3*hbar^3 There's an extra pi ;)...
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    Background radiation and photons

    Homework Statement I have a fairly simple question, but for some reason I can't find the answer. It's about Planck's law, and cosmic background radiation. We know Planck's law, and we know the temperature of the universe (approx 2.7 K). Furthermore, we know the mean number of photons in a...
  14. T

    What is the Convergence of the Integral for this Sequence?

    Off course... now that I see it, it's all very simple. Guess sometimes my mind gets confused after too much maths ;). Thank you, W.
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    What is the Convergence of the Integral for this Sequence?

    Hello, it's me again ;) Problem: ------- Define f_{n}(x)=n^{\alpha}, |x|\leq 1/n, f_{n}=0 elsewhere Give all \alpha \in \Re for which \lim_{n \to \infty} \int_{\Re}f_{n}(x)dx=+\infty ------- Can i change this last integral to: \lim_{x \to 0} \int_{0}^{\infty}...