Recent content by the_Doctor111

  1. T

    A particular solution to the differential equation y'' + 2y' + y = t^2 + 3?

    A particular solution to the differential equation y'' + 2y' + y = t^2 + 3? is t^2 - 4t +7 in the answers, but i get t^2 - 4t + 9 so where am i going wrong... y = Ay^2 + by + c y' = 2Ay + B y'' = 2A 2A + 2(2Ay + B) + Ay^2 +By + c = t^2 + 3 A(y^2) + (4A+B)y +(2A +2B+c) = t^2 + 0t + 3...
  2. T

    What is a systematic method to solve this Diophantine equation?

    Homework Statement Suppose you spend $12.30 on chocolate bars and chips. If chocolate bars cost $1.20 and each bag of chips cost $2.50, how many bags of chips did you buy? *Both the number of chocolate bars and bags of chips must be positive. Homework Equations 12.30 = 1.20x + 2.50y The...