Recent content by Th3HoopMan

  1. Th3HoopMan

    Correlation between Iterative Methods and Convolution Codes

    Hey guys so I have this Calc 3 project and the end is throwing me for a loop. I've done the encoding part, and I've coded the standard iterative methods, but I don't see how the two correlate so I can use the iterative methods to decode a "y stream" with the inputs specified...
  2. Th3HoopMan

    QR Decomposition w/ Householder and Givens Transformations

    Examples of problems which can be solving using QR
  3. Th3HoopMan

    QR Decomposition w/ Householder and Givens Transformations

    Could anybody link me to some good examples on how to go about doing them? I honestly have no idea how to go about doing these two types of problems.
  4. Th3HoopMan

    [College Level] Norm of Matrices

    So I'm studying norm of matrices in my calc class, and most resources I've looked at seem like it's just the square root of all the entry values over the sum of all the entries, but when given the matrix [1 3] [0 1] Sqrt((11+sqrt(117))/2) The 11 is the sqrt of 12 + 32 + 12 the 2 is the root...
  5. Th3HoopMan

    Understanding Singular Value Decomposition for Image Compression

    Yeah i found that out but I have to do it by hand for a class I'm in
  6. Th3HoopMan

    Understanding Singular Value Decomposition for Image Compression

    Thanks I'll take a look. As for the problems we usually get instructions telling us to compute a SVD of [inset random matrix here].
  7. Th3HoopMan

    Understanding Singular Value Decomposition for Image Compression

    I have no idea what it is, and I really don't know how to go about using SVD on a matrix. All I know is that it could be useful for image compression (okay...?). Are there any resources or videos I can look at that will simplify the problem solving process for this? I've found a few that pertain...