Recent content by Tawoos

  1. T

    Understanding PERT Formula Proof for Project Management

    a formula used in project management for determining the expected time of an activity states that: Expected time = (Pessimistic value + 4*most likely value + Optimistic value)/6 I am searching for a proof for this law. I've searched the internet, and found out it's related to the Beta...
  2. T

    Non-Uniform Plane Waves, Multiple values of E and H?

    Thanks for your reply, But I still have some questions: Okay, I know that for a uniform plane wave E,H and P must be mutually perpendicular. Is this true for ALL electromagnetic waves? Or just for uniform plane wave? Another question: I still do not understand what the professor was...
  3. T

    Non-Uniform Plane Waves, Multiple values of E and H?

    I have a question in Electromagnetics, precisely about non-uniform plane waves. In the lecture, the professor made a strange assumption, he first used two of Maxwell's equations to get an expression for E and H (which he called E1 and H1). Then he used the remaining two to derive what he...