Recent content by Synco

  1. Synco

    Big doubt about graphene in batteries

    Very useful information, thank you very much Me too
  2. Synco

    Big doubt about graphene in batteries

    Well people i'm looking electric Motorcycles. And the same seller it's selling a 72V50Ah battery and a 72V60Ah battery, both IN THE SAME WEIGHT, every battery in the shop occurs the same. So or we have a factory mistake, scam, witchery .....or...graphene in the lithium. I have been reading that...
  3. Synco

    Looking to create a better frame for my e-motorcycle

    What do you say about carbyne? or it's better graphene?
  4. Synco

    Looking to create a better frame for my e-motorcycle

    I committed a mistake, yeah i used the K as a constant and for Kilos, They are different. I just tried to say if you transform from Mpa to N/m^2 you are going to get a K*(N/m^2) with K as real number. I didn't know that, a hollow tube resists more pressure than one solid of the same weight...
  5. Synco

    Looking to create a better frame for my e-motorcycle

    Well people i want to go from my steel/aluminum frame to the best material in the market. I have seen that exist a relation between Mpa(Yield strenght-elastic limit)/density but i get a very weird relation in a strange unit (m^2)/(s^2) which is the expansion of a growing area in the time, but...