Recent content by Synchronised

  1. S

    How hard it is to achieve 3.7+ GPA?

    Complex Analysis is compulsory in PhB :$ I like it in high school though, we prove some pretty cool results in it. Thank you for the advice! How do you exactly use time more efficiently?
  2. S

    Question about travelling faster than light.

    I did not intend to have an unphysical discussion. Since Cern and Gran Sasso claimed neutrinos travel FTL someone on YouTube tried to explain the impact of this discovery if it was true and he said if we can travel faster than light we can travel backwards in time so I was just wondering whether...
  3. S

    Need advice regarding my plan.

    My plan is to study PhB at ANU (science research-focused degree) and major is probably physics and chemistry or physiology or neuroscience and once I complete the degree after 3 years I can do MBBS/PhD which is 4 years of post grad medicine and then 3 years of PhD doing 'cutting edge medical...
  4. S

    How hard it is to achieve 3.7+ GPA?

    OK, thank you. Considering that I am going to live at university all I will be doing is studying so hopefully I can maintain 80%+ because if I fail to do that I will have to drop from PhB to normal science or Engineering :(
  5. S

    Advice for a 15 Year Old: Exploring Physics & Career Opportunities

    If you are in year 10 get the official year 12 textbook so that what you study is relevant and not a waste of time.
  6. S

    How hard it is to achieve 3.7+ GPA?

    I read more about this degree and looks like I will also have to maintain a mark of 80% in all exams not only 3.7+ GPA (If I fail to do this I have to drop to normal science degree). If I complete the bachelor successfully (which is 3 years) I can choose to either do honors (1 year) or post grad...
  7. S

    Question about travelling faster than light.

    Yes, time would become imaginary which is impossible.
  8. S

    How hard it is to achieve 3.7+ GPA?

    I completely agree Falcon, but if I get a scholarship I will definitely go because I always wanted to live in the USA. There is too much desert in Australia lol Since I don't really know whether to do medicine, engineering or science I know for sure that I want to do research in which ever field...
  9. S

    How hard it is to achieve 3.7+ GPA?

    Thank you for the replies everyone. I will try my best to get a 4.0 GPA and I will make sure I do extra-curriculars so I hopefully get accepted into MIT or any good overseas university to do masters and PhD. If not, ANU is still pretty good. Can someone please explain to me why some universities...
  10. S

    Question about travelling faster than light.

    So it is simply impossible to 'travel back in time'.
  11. S

    How hard it is to achieve 3.7+ GPA?

    Hi, I am contemplating doing this dergee;overview.html which is a 3+1 year research-focused science degree. In order to be accepted for honors and postgrad after that I have to maintain a very high GPA. I have never been to university so all I know is...
  12. S

    Question about travelling faster than light.

    So when a moving object reaches the speed of light time dilates so I assume if an object that has mass somehow achieves the speed of light time stops moving (since it is traveling slower and slower) and once the object exceeds the speed of light time becomes negative so does that mean the object...