Recent content by Swetha.M.L

  1. Swetha.M.L

    Is Higgs boson massless or does it gain mass when interacting with water?

    Is higgs boson massless? Photon is massless , is photon get mass when interract with water?
  2. Swetha.M.L

    Massless Particle Questions: Explaining Photon's Lack of Mass

    may i ask you something? if there is any wrong excuse me. according to mass-energy equation mass &energy are not different but two forms of the same. photon ,graviton... are the mass less particles but photon is a form of energy. can you explain why photon is massless?
  3. Swetha.M.L

    Can Metaglasses Technology be Applied to Smartphones?

    i search about metaglasses in google then i get some information about it "the first holographic interface. &we can touch and move the 3-d holograms directly with your hands in 3-d space.and Metaglasses are space glasses.&meta:The most advanced augmented reality glasses by meal." then i think...
  4. Swetha.M.L

    Motion of Electron: Background Force & Other Particles

    electron have two type of motion spinning and rotation . is any other sub atomic particle can move without the appliction of an external field?
  5. Swetha.M.L

    Motion of Electron: Background Force & Other Particles

    what is the background force for the motion of electron? is any other sub atomic particle can move? if no why?
  6. Swetha.M.L

    Unravelling the Mystery of Higgs boson and Light Particles

    from a malayalam language newspaper i read about Higgsboson that is according to standard model the Higgsboson is the piece of the atom that endows all the other piece with their mass. when electrons,quarks,etc are associated with higgs field they get mass. the light particle called photons have...
  7. Swetha.M.L

    Does the speed of light remain constant in an expanding universe?

    i am very sorry for disturbing you with my stupid question. what do you mean by the expansion of universe?
  8. Swetha.M.L

    Exploring Life Beyond Earth: Is There Oxygen-Based Biota in Other Galaxies?

    There is only one planet (Earth)have life in the universe.But this is invented by human; the son of Earth! Is any other life live away from the solarsystem? I don’t know!…..oureyes&ears reach not so much. We are the most advanced biota among others in the earth. And we take oxygen as the life...
  9. Swetha.M.L

    Does the speed of light remain constant in an expanding universe?

    Is light's speed constant? The universe is expanding, i think the distant b/w the planets&stars are increasing is that true? is it true then is the time taken to reach sun light to Earth now from past change? if the time is constant then how the speed of light is constant?