Recent content by Swami

  1. S

    What is Space Made Of? Exploring the Physical Components of the Universe

    Thanks, A.T. -- those are really useful videos!
  2. S

    What is Space Made Of? Exploring the Physical Components of the Universe

    alasange, I recently found this video on youtube, which I think really helps with visualizing how the warping of space, rather than some active force between two objects, is what "binds" objects with gravity together, including planetary bodies. This...
  3. S

    Question About Density: Can Something Harder than Osmium Exist?

    I have a question about density: would it, in principle, be possible to create something with greater density and hardness than, say, Osmium? Or is that impossible? Is density constrained by the elements of the periodic table, or can something with greater density be created? The finished...