Recent content by sv3ora

  1. S

    Metals touching, produce EM waves

    It could be a thermoelectric effect too possibly
  2. S

    Metals touching, produce EM waves

    Can you help me on this question I had for years? Every time I touch two metals together (holding them with my fingers) and place a shortwave SSB radio nearby, I hear clicks and noises on the radio. Why is that happenning? Has anyone observed this phenomenon before?
  3. S

    Is My Friend's Basement Safe from Radon Exposure?

    Thanks, The walls are 20cm concrete and the floor is 60cm concrete, I am an eye witness when they built their house. So much concrete and iron on the base, but this is good for new houses as here is is an earthquake active area. The house is a 2-floor building, so I guess this was a reason. I...
  4. S

    Is My Friend's Basement Safe from Radon Exposure?

    Thanks for your informative link. At last some real tests! I am thinking of purchasing the safetysirenpro detector. It is not of extreme quality as it is affected by interference and himudity, whereas some others don't, but I think it will give me an indication. The price is affordable for me...
  5. S

    Is My Friend's Basement Safe from Radon Exposure?

    I was not aware of the radon test kits, I will buy one. I see there are two of them the long term one and the short term one (a few days). I think I am going to tell my friend to close the basement doors for a few days and put the kit inside. However his basement is new (about 5 years old) and...
  6. S

    Is My Friend's Basement Safe from Radon Exposure?

    Hi, my friend near me, has a basement and we are located in a part of our country that is NOT KNOWN if it has high soil radon concentrations. However our area is not listed in the high concentrations areas. His basement floor is about 3 meters from top ground and has reinforced concrete walls...
  7. S

    Magnesium in concentrated and dilute saltwater

    Thanks a lot.
  8. S

    Magnesium in concentrated and dilute saltwater

    Thank you I read the article on wikipedia about reactivity series. However it is not clear to me if only H2 gass will be produced by throwing Mg inside concentrated salt water. Does any Cl2 produced at all?
  9. S

    Magnesium in concentrated and dilute saltwater

    And what will be the products of the reaction? (gasses/solution) I think H2 bubbles will emerge from magnesium, is that right? Is there any Cl gas too? I always consider salt water for the reaction.
  10. S

    Magnesium in concentrated and dilute saltwater

    Hello This is more of a chemistry question but I would like to know how a piece of magnesium will react with concentrained and delute saltwater, and what will be the products in each case? Please help, I cannot find any complete info on the web
  11. S

    Linear motor with permanent magnets. Where is the sticky point?

    Hello, recently I have found this diagram Also seen some videos on youtube. If this really work in moving a magnet linearly, the first thing that someone may think is why not to combine this linear motor into a circle, to move a magnet...
  12. S

    Help with permanent magnets configuration as a movement source.

    That is weird, Today I tried this configuration without having to hold the magnets with my hands. I mounted the big disc magnet permanently on the desk using glue. Then I used a motor form an old computer hard disc (as a bearing only) and I mounted the cylinder magnet to it's moving part, using...
  13. S

    Help with permanent magnets configuration as a movement source.

    It will be the ultimate challenge to achieve constant movement from stationary magnets and maybe some help components. I have a feeling that the answer lies in "instantly rerouting" the magnetic field of permanent magnets. In fact I have seen an experimental linear motor on the web doing so but...
  14. S

    Help with linear motor, magnetization?

    That seems trully correct! Thanks a lot!
  15. S

    Help with permanent magnets configuration as a movement source.

    Thanks a lot for your explanation, That was what I initially thought, that nothing really changes there, two permanent magnets can never yeld to a rotation. Thanks once again