Recent content by Sullo

  1. S

    Young's double slit experiment green laser

    Homework Statement If a green laser is (wavelength = 532nm) sent through two slits with a separation of 127 um, how wide (in total) would the 11 green dots formed be if they were projected onto a screen 1.25m away from the slits? Refer to this diagram sorry for bad quality...
  2. S

    Waves in a closed organ pipe (homework check)

    Thank you for pointing this out. So it should be v = 2lf v = 4lf ?
  3. S

    Waves in a closed organ pipe (homework check)

    Homework Statement A closed organ pipe of length 1.00m is filled with a gas and is found to give the same note as an open pipe of length 1.30m filled with air, when both are resonating at their fundamental mode of vibration a) draw diagrams to show the nature of the waves in each pipe and use...
  4. S

    Can you please check this (destructive interference).

    Oh ok. Thank you! So is this correct? Distance from left speaker after moving to the right (c^2) = a^2 + b^2 Distance from left speaker after moving to the right (c^2) = (1.75+0.84)^2 + 5.0^2 Distance from left speaker after moving to right c = 5.631 Distance from right speaker after moving...
  5. S

    Can you please check this (destructive interference).

    So do you mean distance from left speaker after moving + distance from right speaker after moving = 0.5λ ?
  6. S

    Can you please check this (destructive interference).

    I'll need to go over this again tomorrow then
  7. S

    Can you please check this (destructive interference).

    Can you please elaborate, why include both speakers in this?
  8. S

    Can you please check this (destructive interference).

    If it is wrong can you please pinpoint where i am going wrong. Thank you. 1. Homework Statement (uploaded picture because it has a diagram) Homework Equations To sense destructive interference , the person must be one half wavelength (0.5λ) closer or farther from...
  9. S

    Finding Wave Speed: A Boy Fishing on the Jetty

    Homework Statement A boy fishing on the jetty observes water waves coming in from the ocean. He sees 4 waves pass him by in 2 seconds, each with a wavelength of 0.5m The speed of the waves is? Homework Equations v=d/t The Attempt at a Solution 4 waves pass him in 2 seconds. 4waves x 0.5m...
  10. S

    Electromagnetism homework check

    Yes i have just started noticing this. For Ah yes, i think 10a should be A right? (positive ion). As for 8a, i understand it now, thanks!
  11. S

    Electromagnetism homework check

    Not quite sure what you mean? Also in Q8a is the diagram correct. Should the force be upwards since the current is traveling towards me?
  12. S

    Electromagnetism homework check

    In Q6 do you mean just showing the lines closer together when near the current and further away when father from the current?
  13. S

    Electromagnetism homework check

    Appreciate you taking the time to check.
  14. S

    Electromagnetism homework check

    Hello. I have an assignment to submit and I really want to get full marks/know where I went wrong If anyone has a tiny bit of free time would you mind please checking my homework? Even if you just check 1 page I will be so grateful. Thanks again