Recent content by stevie2112

  1. S

    Schools Student at a community college in Florida

    The class I took in the spring last year was pretty much algebra I. In the summer I took what would've been algebra II. In the fall I took college algebra and trig and this semester calculus I. I'm taking calc II this fall. You can do it with enough determination, I'm 37 and I graduated high...
  2. S

    Schools Student at a community college in Florida

    I think you can do it if your are willing to work at it. I didn't even take algebra in high school. I took introductory algebra last spring and now I'm taking my calculus I finals tomorrow. I've worked hard to get to this point because I never was good at math. I feel I'm pretty good now -...
  3. S

    What's an acceptable grade for Calculus I in university?

    There seems to a few people with this same opinion here. I'm taking Calc I this semester and doing pretty good, but I'm a little worried about finals.
  4. S

    Should I take Calculus 2 during summer? and other questions

    Your situation sounds similar to mine. I returned back to school Spring of '07 and I'm 37. I'm takng Calc I this semester and condered Calc II in the summer. The summer course is only 6 weeks long and I have to have time for things to sink in. I'm taking Calc II in the fall and a calculus...
  5. S

    I think I need some serious help with school

    How old are you? I'm 36 and just went back to school January of this year. Before this year I just was not ready for the commitment of school. I even had a GI Bill that I never used, meaning that I was out of the service 10+ years so now I can't collect. So now I find myself paying out of...
  6. S

    Calculus I - without a calculator

    I'm taking Calculus I in the spring and the instructor sent out out an email outlining the course. He stated that he did not allow calculators on the final. Is this common? I did well in my precalc maths, but I like to be able to check my answers with a calculator - especially during a test...