Recent content by Steph191290

  1. S

    Calculating effects of air resistance on a falling mass

    Calculating effects of air resistance on a ball of mass 0.67kg, being dropped from a height of 4.93m. I have worked out theoretically what time it would take without air resistance using s=ut + 0.5at(squared) however i cannot find an equation that will factor in air resistance. thanks
  2. S

    Physics Chat: Availability & Hours

    yeah its nice to just join in with random comments every now and then it was gd crack last night x
  3. S

    Physics Chat: Availability & Hours

    fair enough gd stuff will speech on sunday then =]
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    Physics Chat: Availability & Hours

    ahh ok thanx, can i ask why?
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    Physics Chat: Availability & Hours

    Is the physics chat just open certain days or what?
  6. S

    Calculating decay constants and half-life

    thanks lol, i do that a lot it seems, better brush up on those skills before the exam lol.
  7. S

    Calculating decay constants and half-life

    well i don't know what i did but i have just gotten the right answer thanks lol xx
  8. S

    Calculating decay constants and half-life

    now i get 1.4448x10^15 which is still wrong, I am so confused. x
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    Calculating decay constants and half-life

    oops that should have been 10^23 lol, thanks i'll try that x
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    Calculating decay constants and half-life

    A scientist wishes to find the age of a sample of rock. Realising that it contains radioactive potassium, which decays to give a stable form of argon, the scientist started by making the following measurments: decay rate of the potassium in the sample = 0.16Bq mass of potassium in the sample...
  11. S

    What Do Others Think About Determinism?

    But at the same time something must help us make our desicsions, possibly the chemicals in our body and if that's the case, our chemicals don't change therefore our choices are already made.
  12. S

    What Do Others Think About Determinism?

    yeah, basically do you believe that our path in life is already chosen.
  13. S

    What Do Others Think About Determinism?

    I am writing an essay on determinism, i was just wondering what peoples opinions on it are, my argument is going to be that it is possible, but i would like to include other peoples opinions and reasons. Thanks Steph.