Stavros Kiri

I' m Stavros, Physics researcher and instructor, with M.A. in Physics and Ph.D in Physics&Philosophy [1997], University of Rochester, Rochester, NY. My main expertise is Relativity and other interests Quantum theory, Field theories, Particle Physics, Cosmology and more ... , both at the Physics as well as the Philosophical level (within and beyond Analytical Philosophy). Also I have strong interest in Math and, recently, in Technologies and Computer & Information Science. Furtermore, I' m also interested in some aspects of the Medical and Biological sciences, as well as human Nuitrition. Other interests Psychology and Education.
I love music, movies, ice-skating, and swimming; also Amateur Astronomy. Secondary interests: acting and singing.

And remember (my quote): "All problems are solvable, unless proven otherwise ... (per case)". (*)
I try to follow this in life and science ...

(*) Note however that this challenges with an exception or paradox: unsolvable problems whose unsolvability proof is also an unsolvable problem! ... [In other words, the possible existence of problems that you can neither solve nor you can prove that they cannot be solved. For example, some metaphysical questions or problems (e.g. in many world and possible worlds theories, or regarding the existence of a "hyperuniverse" [e.g. in M-theory etc.]) may fall in that category. This also connects with "falsifiability". However, there may even be purely scientific problems in that category (unless proven otherwise ...). This poses, I think, a true challenge. Examples or counter-examples are wellcome ... ]
May 1
Educational Background
Degree in
Physics, Physics&Philosophy
Physics researcher and instructor
Favorite Area of Science
Physics & Analytical Philosophy [Relativity, Quantum Theory etc.]