Recent content by StarWarsNerd

  1. StarWarsNerd

    Collisions Between Two Bodies Undergoing Multiple Transformations

    I think the maximum translation per time-step can be the shortest distance between any two points in the body. This would not allow it to hop over anything. When it comes to rotation about the center or orbiting a point I do not know how to determine the minimum angle. It probably has to do with...
  2. StarWarsNerd

    Collisions Between Two Bodies Undergoing Multiple Transformations

    I don't have any specific values, but doing 100+ integrations per object would task the processor. If the simulation has 500 to 1,000 entities that would be 50,000 to 100,000 integration steps. That is probably too much for most computers.
  3. StarWarsNerd

    Collisions Between Two Bodies Undergoing Multiple Transformations

    I thought about that, but I ran across a case that may cause issues. Imagine the shape on the right was a rectangle rotated in the direction that it is moving that is longer in the translation direction than it is wide. If it rotates 180 degrees, then translates, it will miss the collision...
  4. StarWarsNerd

    Collisions Between Two Bodies Undergoing Multiple Transformations

    Is this what you mean when talking about the motion for the point at the rim?
  5. StarWarsNerd

    Collisions Between Two Bodies Undergoing Multiple Transformations

    So my engine so far has hit boxes implemented for rough collision detection, and then goes into the fine tuned collision detection if the hit boxes collide. That works, so if I have an exact time, I can say definitively if there is a collision or not. My problem is finding that time. Because...
  6. StarWarsNerd

    Collisions Between Two Bodies Undergoing Multiple Transformations

    I have been searching for an answer to this for a really long time and I have not found any definitive answers as of yet. What I am trying to do is determine if and when two bodies collided between the times t0 and t1. Calculating this is much more straight forward if each body is only either...
  7. StarWarsNerd

    B Calculating Linear and Angular Quantities from Applied Force

    So α does not intrinsically have a cw/ccw direction
  8. StarWarsNerd

    B Calculating Linear and Angular Quantities from Applied Force

    To get the direction of the rotation, do you need to recalculate torque, or can α be use to find if it is spinning clockwise or counterclockwise?
  9. StarWarsNerd

    B Calculating Linear and Angular Quantities from Applied Force

    You said earlier that linear momentum and angular momentum are conserved separately, so, the angular acceleration does not change the linear acceleration, or do I need to calculate linear using angular?
  10. StarWarsNerd

    B Calculating Linear and Angular Quantities from Applied Force

    You are correct, the axis of rotation would be the z-axis, meaning I = ½ * m * r2 and α = (2 * F) / (m * r) ?
  11. StarWarsNerd

    B Calculating Linear and Angular Quantities from Applied Force

    so I = ¼ * m * r2 and τ / I = α → (F * r) / (¼ * m * r2) = (4 * F) / (m * r) and for the linear component, we take F = m * a → a = F / m Is that correct? And this would apply for any force, not just tangential or one pointed at the center of mass?
  12. StarWarsNerd

    B Calculating Linear and Angular Quantities from Applied Force

    So to calculate the linear velocity I would just take the F * (1/m) * duration? What about the angular velocity? That formula is really tripping me up.
  13. StarWarsNerd

    B Calculating Linear and Angular Quantities from Applied Force

    A force with the same magnitude/direction, applied for the same period of time, just the x coordinate is moving left or right.
  14. StarWarsNerd

    B Calculating Linear and Angular Quantities from Applied Force

    F = m * a T = F * r * sin(θ) α = Δω / Δt I = ¼ * π * r4 So if we have Fn, a force equal to those in the image, but anywhere along the diameter, and the radius would then be rn we get T = Fn * rn * sin(π/2) = m * a * rn * 1 This is where I get stuck, I am not sure how to proceed. So if the...
  15. StarWarsNerd

    B Calculating Linear and Angular Quantities from Applied Force

    In the image above, a centroid with radius 1 is depicted. F1 is pointing directly at point A (which is the center of the circle), and F2 is pointing directly at point B. The radius for finding the torque would be the perpendicular between the center of the object and the force vector, so r1...