Recent content by starbaj12

  1. S

    How to Calculate the Gradient of a Separation Vector?

    Let c' be the separation vector from a fixed point(x'',y'',z'') to the point (x,y,z) and let c be its length. show that Gradient(1/c) = -c'(hat)/c^2 Thnaks for the help
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    Proving AX(BXC) = B(A(dot)C) - C(A(dot)B)

    AX(BXC) = B(A(dot)C) - C(A(dot)B) For the left hand side I got (AyBxCy-AyByCx+AzBxCz-AzBzCx)x(hat) + (-AxBxCy+AxByCx+AzByCz-AzBzCy)y(hat) + (-AxBxCz+AxBzCx-AyByCz+AyBzCy)z(hat) Is this right? Where would I go from here to prove the rest? Thanks for the help
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    MATLAB How to Find the Spin in vy and vz in Matlab?

    I know this is a programming language question, but no one seems to answer in that Forum. I'm running a program in Matlab and I'm running two loops One for the velocities in the x,y,z components and another for the magnus force (spin) vx,vy,vz. I'm holding all constant except vy and vz which I...
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    Integrate Spiral on YZ Plane | Location X | Need Help with Problem

    The spiral has a center in the yzx axis (it is like a coil but flat so the radius gets bigger) You can do this by polar coordinates (I was told), but I do not know how. I need to find a vector field that is directed along the x axis. And alpha is the angle subtended by a radius at the point on x.
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    How can integration by parts simplify this integral?

    from r to R e^(-2r/a)*r^2 dr Thanks
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    Integrate Spiral on YZ Plane | Location X | Need Help with Problem

    alpha; which is the angle subtended by a radius at the point of observation (x).
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    Integrate Spiral on YZ Plane | Location X | Need Help with Problem

    There is a spiral but it is just on the yz plane (no length to it) I need to integrate it. And I'm at a location x on the axis if it matters. Thanks
  8. S

    Satellite Orbit: Effects of Rocket Thrusts

    When a satellite is in a circular orbit around the Earth how does a rocket thrust from the satellite effect the orbit. Example when the rocket is fired toward the Earth and another example when the rocket is fired orthogonal to the plane of the orbit. Thank you
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    Understanding Coupled Oscillations: The Impact of Gravity on Displaced Particles

    I have a system that consist of the first spring attached to a ceiling and a first mass is attached to this spring. Then a second spring is attached to this first mass. Finally I have another mass attached to the second spring. So all of it is just hanging down. (I hope this is a good enough...
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    Calculating Energy and Q of a Vibrating String

    A string 3.2 m long and with a linear mass density of .008 kg/m is kept under tension so that traveling waves propagate at 48 m/s along the string. The ends of the string are clamped and the string vibrates in its third harmonic with an amplitude of 5.0 cm. How much energy is stored in this...
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    MATLAB Programming Orbit Dynamics in MATLAB w/o Mass

    How would I write a program to show the kinetic energy, potential energy and total mechanical energy at each position in a orbit. I'm not given mass within the program I have to modify I wanted to just use .5mv^2 = k -GMm/r = p and E = k + p but can not due to no mass
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    Discover the Relationship Between Escape Speed and Circular Orbit Speed

    escape velocity to me means the speed it takes to overcome gravity (air friction negligible) leaving orthogonal from the surface of the planet
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    Discover the Relationship Between Escape Speed and Circular Orbit Speed

    Are you talking about U(r) = -GMm/r The bigger the radius the smaller the potential energy Ve = square root ( 2GMe/Re) = square root(2gRe) Is this what you are talking about?
  14. S

    Discover the Relationship Between Escape Speed and Circular Orbit Speed

    Show that the escape speed from a planet is related to the speed of a circulat orbit just above the surface of the planet by Ve = square root(2Vc), where Vc is the speed of an object in the circular orbit. I'm looking at GMem(object)/r^2 = m(o)v^2/r But I do not know if this equation will...