Recent content by Spicy Italian

  1. Spicy Italian

    Medical Medical Imaging Presentation Ideas

    Thanks, I proposed a topic today. It was modified by my professor to be thermal acousitic imaging; thermal acoustic imaging with microwave radiation to improve contrast. I apologize Ygggdrasil, I didn't get a chance to check out flouresence guided surgery before my classes today. Thanks...
  2. Spicy Italian

    Medical Medical Imaging Presentation Ideas

    Thanks Guys, I am going to have to talk to my prof once more about topics as I'm picky and an still having trouble selecting. Berkeman, good idea, the flaw i saw in it is that some study suggested traditional palpation is more effecting than illuminating, but that doesn't mean I can't take the...
  3. Spicy Italian

    Medical Medical Imaging Presentation Ideas

    Sorry I didn't realize you had added two posts. To answer your question, X-rays yes but no to the rest listed. We also covered PET. The class is a second year class for non-physics majors, so its pretty basic. Also, the paper/presentation can be about physics in medicine not just physics in...
  4. Spicy Italian

    Medical Medical Imaging Presentation Ideas

    Sounds fair, I am saying outright I probably will not get around to doing any research until Monday. Expect a reply by Tuesday when I plan on having my topic selected
  5. Spicy Italian

    Medical Medical Imaging Presentation Ideas

    We have breifly breifly covered in class, HDR & LDR Bracheotherapy, PET, Flouroscopy. Thats about it. Those questions are ones I would adress in the paper - No?
  6. Spicy Italian

    Medical Medical Imaging Presentation Ideas

    Hello, I am wondering if the boards can reccomend any topics of medical imaging in healthcare. I have to make a presentation on the topic and write a paper. The paper must only be sourced from peer reviewed articles or government statistics. So it should be realitvely well known. I believe...