Recent content by SpaceNerdz

  1. S

    I Where did I go wrong in deriving quantized energy?

    OK, so I just want to show ω = E/h = kv, but I keep running into errors, I don't know why. So, let's start with momentum: p^2 / 2m = E p^2 = 2mE p = sqrt(2mE) h/λ = sqrt(2mE) hk = sqrt(2mE) k = sqrt(2mE)/h So far so good. Now let's start with conserved Energy E= ½ mv^2 2E/m = v^2 v =...
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    A Lagrangian vs pseudo-Lagrangian vs Eulerian

    I'm reading up a series of papers on hydrodynamical simulations for galaxies and cosmology. They keep mentioning things like "Lagrangian" or "pseudo-lagrangian" or "Eulerian". I tried looking it up on the internet, but the answers are either too broad and could mean a huge number of things in...
  3. S

    I Which ψ do I use for the Expectation Value ?

    I have to calculate the Expectation Value of an Energy Eigenstate : < En > The integral is ∫ ψ* En ψ dx I have : A ) ψ = √L/2 sin nπx/L , a single standing wave of the wave function B ) ψ = BsinBcosD , the wave function of the particle C ) ψ = ΣCn ψn = C , sum of all the...
  4. S

    Particle in an Electromagnetic Field

    Well, 1/2mv^2 is kinetic energy of the particle , qφ is the coulomb potential of electricity . So we know what the other components of the equations are. So my question really is what does the term qvA mean ? It's something to do with magnetism, but what exactly ?
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    Particle in an Electromagnetic Field

    Using the Lagrangian : L = ½mv^2 - qφ + qAv What is the physical intuition of Av ? I know that A is the magnetic vector potential and that v is the velocity of the charged particle. I just don't know what their dot product means physically .
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    Physics & Poetry: Is Dirac Right?

    Dirac says, "I do not see how a man can work on the frontiers of physics and write poetry at the same time. They are in opposition. In science you want to say something that nobody knew before, in words which everyone can understand. In poetry you are bound to say ... something that everyone...
  7. S

    What is a charge? Really, what is it?

    No, it really isn't. My question is about what a complete picture of charge is ( physically ) . The statement you gave merely re-states my question.
  8. S

    What is a charge? Really, what is it?

    That's not very insightful statement, because it's a statement you could have made without knowing much about charge... ...
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    What is a charge? Really, what is it?

    That's great ! ... what's the complete picture of charge then ?
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    What is a charge? Really, what is it?

    But that's just what I said by analogy. To say that the sky is "blue" without going on to say anything about EM waves doesn't actually say anything much about the sky, or "blue" for that matter. It's like saying that "blue" is just not red, not green, not orange, not violet etc -- > Without...
  11. S

    What is a charge? Really, what is it?

    The reason I am asking this here is because when I ask my professor at Columbia University ( he's a particle physicist ), he stared at the wall about it for 15 seconds, looked at me, and said he really doesn't know. To Dale and russ: charge is a property of fundamental particles ( there's no...
  12. S

    What is a charge? Really, what is it?

    I was wondering if anyone can give a deeper answer to what a charge is, other than what is already given in Wikipedia. We know that it is positive and negative etc, but all these things just "describe" a charge. But what is it ?? It seems like a lot of the answers I found just dances around this...
  13. S

    Best Camera for deep space object

    Thanks for the response guys. The reason why I want a CCTV to do deep-space astro is... ... because that's what my professor wants ! Lol . I'm doing research at Columbia University, and we want to do astro-survey across the states... ... so not only does it have to be a good camera, it has to be...
  14. S

    Flux --> Apparent magnitude ( only 1 source )

    Hi guys, I've seen a lot of textbooks converting between 2 apparent magnitudes to the ratio of 2 fluxes. But I just want to know how to convert 1 ( ONE, UNO , 1, NOT 2 ) flux to 1 ( ONE, UNO, 1, NOT 2 ) 1 Apparent Magnitude. I think I saw my professor wrote this down, but am not sure . Is this...
  15. S

    Best Camera for deep space object

    I've been trying to find a CCTV night-time camera for use to image deep-space astro objects as well as meteors. The only one I could find is the Water 902 H2 Ultimate. Is there another one that I could use that would be better ? My price range is $200 ~$400, although I could go up to $1000 if...