Recent content by sp1408

  1. S

    Is colour dependent on wavelength of frequency?

    So cool...we reached a conclusion...
  2. S

    Is colour dependent on wavelength of frequency?

    Think about it...if color was dependant on wavelength...would'nt the color change in different mediums? i.e wavelength of yellow is 600nm and of blue is 400nm. Does that mean a yellow object appears blue in water(ref.ind=1.5 approx)? Thats absurd. Of course color depends on...
  3. S

    Distribution of charge within a CONDUCTOR

    The number of electrons in a metal is always equal to the no. of protons in an electrically neutral conductor...irrespective of the electric field.
  4. S

    What is the significance of deriving PV=K?

    The equation is important because in this process...according to the ideal gas equation,the temperature remains constant...and thus the internal energy. I hope this is what you asked...if not please elaborate a little more on what you mean...
  5. S

    Understanding Path Difference in Convex Lenses

    Thanx...Ill check out feynman's book...
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    Understanding Path Difference in Convex Lenses

    Thanks...tried that already. I've understood the thin lens formula...but I can't get hold of the derivation for thick lenses...I have a feeling that might be useful in proving what we want...
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    Understanding Path Difference in Convex Lenses

    But can you give a mathematical reason for that? I understood what you mean to say,even I thought of that...but there should be some mathematical reason or poof with that. If you could give me any reference to this...
  8. S

    Understanding Path Difference in Convex Lenses

    Path Difference in Lenses... A convex lens will converge all rays parallel to the optical axis to the focus. Now obviously different rays at different distances from the optical axis will travel different distances in reaching the focus. So why does this not create any path difference between...
  9. S

    Calculating Torque for a Rotating Cylinder

    Didnt get your question,1m/sec is the velocity of what? And plus if the solid cylinder rotates with constant angular velocity,the torque is zero
  10. S

    Solve Thermodynamics Problem: Find Mass of Gas Leaving Open Container

    Simply use the fact that because p,v are constant and pv=nrt,nt is constant,calculate initial moles from pv=nrt(p,v,t given,r is known).then calculate final no. of moles(again everything is given,(n1-n2)*M is the mass of the gas that left. If you don't get the answer by this,then the question...
  11. S

    Electrostatics Problem: Find E Field and R

    Choose a starting radius,the angle r(instead of theta) is the angle in the cos term,divide the cylinder into different anglular elements of angle dr,each of these has an area 1/2*a*a*dr and a length D,Each on has a resistance of rho*D/Area where the formula for rho in terms of angle is...
  12. S

    Bernouilli's Law: Exploring Pressure & Throat Velocity

    It would probably mean that the pressure experienced before the throat is increased, In the eq P1 + 1/2DV1^2 = -P2 + 1/2DV2^2, bring _p2 to the other side =>P1+P2 + 1/2DV1^2 = 1/2DV2^2 (D=density,P1 = initial press.,P2=final pressure,same for V1 and V2) implying that the original...
  13. S

    The Influence of Distance on Torque in Rotating Systems

    Didnt get your question,how exactly are you applying the torque?
  14. S

    Why does static friction exist without an equal and opposite force?

    A very simple rule is that friction always opposes RELATIVE MOTION between two surfaces,when the car is accelerating,the point of contact of the wheel to the ground is trying to move backward,so friction acts in the forward direction to oppose it...
  15. S

    Your vote for the most mysterious and wonderful of equations

    not really,S=k*ln(w),I just can't understand how they can define the amount of disorder in a system...