Recent content by socrunningman

  1. S

    How Do Various Factors Influence a Country's Economy and Currency Exchange Rate?

    This looks an awful lot like homework, if it is, I think you should look at policies for posting. Other than that we can break parts of this down and answer it over time.
  2. S

    Flat Tax Pros & Cons: Arguments for/Against

    why do poor people object to taxes? Americans are perpetually hating and trying to get rid of taxes, it's just part of our nature as humans, but we also enjoy the benefits of our military, social security, Medicare, some welfare and education. But without struggle and compromise we would not...
  3. S

    Flat Tax Pros & Cons: Arguments for/Against

    mostly it is due to what is called the "law of diminishing returns" D. H. eluded to this in his post earlier. The thinking behind it is something like this. All taxes hurt(because you are loosing your hard work) however not having government can hurt more(everyone has the choice of moving to...
  4. S

    Exploring Nationalism: Culture, Ideology, Sentiment, and Social Movements

    The communism found after Lenin(I do not make judgment on what it was or was not during, as it is a different topic) in Russia and in China, as well as Cuba was very nationalistic. I tend to separate Marxism from communism as the agreed upon definition of communism in the political sense is that...
  5. S

    Exploring Nationalism: Culture, Ideology, Sentiment, and Social Movements

    so, here is where it lies. To answer this question one does have to define what they mean by nationalism. Usually when someone says "nationalism" people think of the Nazi's in WWII. This is inherently wrong as anything other than a misleading marker. For Nazi's where mostly fascist, nationalism...
  6. S

    Free Math Resources for Learning & Practice

    you could go old school and check a book out of the library. The nice thing about math is that it doesn't change much. The bad thing is that teaching it gets better and better as the years go on, and calculus is almost never "easy" when someone is trying to learn it on there own.
  7. S

    Aero Design: Explore Hobby Flight Projects

    if you are in for a real challenge try airship engineering, a few years ago I constructed a "small" rigid airship based on Zeppelin's LZ3 it has a whole ton of little problems to deal with and not many answers lying around, I had to learn about aerostatics, aerodynamics, hybrid lift systems...
  8. S

    Error range in compressive strength for a sphere.

    I had the same idea, the problem that I run into is that every time I try and do it I make the entire sphere smaller or larger in variance. what I need it an imperfect sphere formula, where say the top portion of the sphere is a little "egg" shaped" or conversely, is indented, while the rest of...
  9. S

    Are there any good viruses for human beings?

    If one remembers the story by HG Wells, "War of the Worlds" Viruses are our defenders in case of an alien attack(let us hope that they don't bring small pox blankets) here is another story of viruses doing good, and helping us make discoveries along the way. In 1796 Edward Jenner noticed that...
  10. S

    Is building a particle accelerator legal ?

    not knowing the exact intricacies of building a particle accelerator from scratch(I assume it involves this thing called money, which mean lots of queen Beth's) what I do know is that not many laws could be broken building it. Laws can be broken when operating it. small difference I know, but a...
  11. S

    Error range in compressive strength for a sphere.

    so here it is, I want to build a sphere with pressure being exerted uniformly on all sides. the sphere will be immersed in a fluid and have mass pumped out(to create buoyancy.) I have calculated the strength of the sphere to be... C=((Pw-Pi)r)/2T where Pw=Pressure of the Water Pi=Internal...
  12. S

    How to make your own particle accelerator

    what you could do is make a "theoretical model" rather than try and make something that works(especially because you just want to show how it works) you can do this. make a track out of wood about 2-4 feet in length(distance becomes important later) glue it together(no nails!) then beneath the...