Recent content by snatchingthepi

  1. snatchingthepi

    Engineering Bandwidth Filtering: Get Help Solving Last Problem

    These posts were enough to encourage me to find a good answer. Thank you both.
  2. snatchingthepi

    Engineering Bandwidth Filtering: Get Help Solving Last Problem

    Hi everyone I am finishing the last problem for a DSP problem set and just frankly have no idea where to start this one. I'm thinking I could compute the magnitude of each filter and then compare, but again am not sure. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks
  3. snatchingthepi

    Advice for my first course in Discrete Signal Processing?

    Summary:: I'm about to take my first course in DSP. It is a one term graduate course using the 4th edition of Proakis. I'm about to take my first course in DSP. It is a one term graduate EE course using the 4th edition of Proakis. Does anyone with experience in this have useful advice for such...
  4. snatchingthepi

    Programs Exploring Benefits of Biomedical Engineering PhD vs. Medical Physics PhD

    My school does not require any such thing. The course requirements are actually quite small, and there is a much larger emphasis on publication and attracting funding.
  5. snatchingthepi

    Programs Exploring Benefits of Biomedical Engineering PhD vs. Medical Physics PhD

    My school is in Canada and it is CAMPEP accredited. I should mention that I am actually not interested in pursuing a clinical physics residency, but am attempting an MD-PhD program, and I intend to work in the public healthcare system. I am aware that the nucmed scene is small, but that there...
  6. snatchingthepi

    Programs Exploring Benefits of Biomedical Engineering PhD vs. Medical Physics PhD

    Hey all I'm finishing up my master's degree in medical physics this year, specifically working in PET-MR data analysis. I have a definite professional interest in medical imaging, and am planning on pursuing this. I have an interesting choice where I've been offered a position as a PhD student...
  7. snatchingthepi

    Programs PhD in Medical Physics vs Biomedical Engineering

    Thank you very much Choppy. So from what I'm hearing, as far as my particular position goes, the different titles are largely equivalent. Especially if I have an MSc in medical physics?
  8. snatchingthepi

    Programs PhD in Medical Physics vs Biomedical Engineering

    I have two paths I can take in my graduate studies. I'm currently an MSc student studying hybrid PET-MR systems in a medical physics program. My advisor is adjunct to the department of biomedical engineering, as well as the medical physics department. We were discussing doctoral work and it came...
  9. snatchingthepi

    Partition function from the density of states

    I am unsure *how* to do this integrla with the incomplete gamma function. My thought hit a dead-end at $$ z_{can} = \int_0^\infty \theta(E-\Delta)\left(\frac{1}{\Delta}\right)\left(\frac{E}{N\Delta}\right)^N exp[-\beta E] dE $$ $$ z_{can} = \int_\Delta^\infty...
  10. snatchingthepi

    Partition function from the density of states

    I'm given the following density of states $$ \Omega(E) = \delta(E) + N\delta(E-\Delta) + \theta(E-\Delta)\left(\frac{1}{\Delta}\right)\left(\frac{E}{N\Delta}\right)^N $$ where $ \Delta $ is a positive constant. From here I have to "calculate the canonical partition function as a function of $$...
  11. snatchingthepi

    How to care about only one particle in a two-particle system

    I *just* saw that! Thank you. I have now have legitimate answers that preserve normalization when I integrate over everything. Thank you!
  12. snatchingthepi

    How to care about only one particle in a two-particle system

    So for the 1D infinite well with the states above, I have ## \psi_{symmetric} = \frac{2}{L} [sin[\frac{\pi x_1}{L}]sin[\frac{2\pi x_2}{L}] + sin[\frac{2\pi x_1}{L}]sin[\frac{\pi x_2}{L}]] ## ## \psi_{antisymmetric} = \frac{2}{L} [sin[\frac{\pi x_1}{L}]sin[\frac{2\pi x_2}{L}] - sin[\frac{2\pi...
  13. snatchingthepi

    Other Tips for Studying Graduate-Level EM and Statmech with Jackson and Pathria

    I checked out Franklin's book on Scribd and it looks very solid. Thank you. I thought it funny that the cover, font, typesetting, tone, and contents all remind me of Griffiths.